The Importance of the Why?


If there is ever a moment when you realize going through the motions just isn’t enough. Contact me personally for information on our next OSS (Oncology Spa Solutions)-in the Pedicure room
More often than not, we as licensed Nail Technicians perform a process and forget we need to do more. We need to know the why’s of the process, and more importantly the why’s of our clients. We need to be “in the moment”


Centre for Beauty Salon Supply hosted its 1st of many classes on how to manage the Cancer client in our Foot Care room.

This class is not cheap.  It’s a 3 day class at a cost of $997.00.  Many have travel expense along with the expense of a 3-4 day hotel stay.

I make no apologies.  The cost of good Education is NOT cheap.  However, you can’t think of “what this is going to cost you“, you need to think about “what is this going to do for me, do for my clients“.

Come with me as I share our three day emotional journey and the impact it has already had on our attendees and their clients.

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The first day some may consider the hardest.  It is a full day of really intense information.
I knew this because of my experience with taking the class back in December.  Therefore, I planned a Happy Hour for the attendees for when the class ended.
On our first day we learned a ton load about the history of Oncology.  Including; Timeline, What is, Characteristics, Pathophysiology of, Categories, Theories, Risk factors, Stages, Survival rates etc etc……….
If that wasn’t enough we also learned of the Treatments, Integrated therapies, Understanding our Immune system Skin cancer etc. etc. etc.
It’s an overload to say the least.  Our attendees at Happy Hour were overwhelmed, they were solemn, they were shocked, exhausted and even had moments of anxiety.  It was ALOT of information.

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The 2nd day was just as impactful.  We learned the Psychological aspect of cancer.  How it affects our clients, how words, atmosphere, disinfection, scents etc. etc. etc……are all important to the client who has faced or is facing a life threatening disease.

We also learned a butt load about ingredients.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  What do we put on our clients bodies?  Are they products which might exasperate their condition?

By the end of the day, most of the attendees were shocked just to learn of the products they personally use at home could be carcinogenic.

No Happy Hour today, but we did have to ask our attendees to move on so we could close shop, get something to eat and rest for an eventful 3rd day.

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Most of the 3rd day was spent reviewing our CAC forms.  Consultation, Analyze, Care.  The right questions to ask, a much more thorough consultation than we are use to in our Foot Care rooms…..if we even do one.
We learned the importance of accurate information and mostly ALL information in order to properly modify our service for each specific client.  We heard and did our own case studies.  We had to look up ingredients, learn terms and learn about specific organs which relate directly to Foot Care AND Nail Care services that either should or should not be performed, or at least modified based on that clients specific health issues.  INTENSE!

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]THEN…..came our guest.

IF…you take this class and you don’t “get it” after listening to the emotional, physical and spiritual journeys people go through when being told they have Cancer……get out of this Industry.

I mean this more emphatically than I have ever felt before.

If you can’t get beyond the process… the why……you don’t belong in this Profession

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”THE JOURNEY OF OUR ATTENDEES” color=”green” border_width=”10″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I’ve always said.  When I teach, if there is 1 person who came out of my class that I have made an impact on…..I have done my job.  Hosting this class affected so many in our group.

The tears which were brought on by the information we learned, reminded me of how so many of us internalize so much.  The experience is felt not just from a Professional level, but from a personal level as well.

I could see it on many of the attendees faces.  The shock, the fear of what they NOW do in their Foot Care rooms which they know needs to change.  I could see the blank stare of exhaustion while the wheels were still churning.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I heard from attendees who have had some unexplained physical issues.  1 attendee went straight to the hospital for evaluation and 1 attendee scheduled and physical exam.

Attendees have been reaching out to me about friends and family members who have experienced Cancer.  Discussing with them, the importance of finding someone who is “Oncology Trained” in the Pedicure room.

Attendees have been checking on friends who have had surgery due to other issues.  Finding out if they have had lymph nodes removed.  Which, will make a big difference in the process of our Pedicure room…, that they understand the why.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_text_separator title=”WHAT ARE THE WHY’S” color=”green” border_width=”10″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]When I was sharing the class info and all the stories with my husband, he said to me “I guess you were pretty lucky in your Salon not to have caused some of these things that can happen”.

He’s so right.  I felt much like I felt when I first learned about proper disinfection.  The things we don’t know are the things that can ruin us.  Education is so important.


  • Did you know that scents can really affect a person going through treatment?  You want to make your room very aromatherapy like, but it’s actually insensitive not to cover this in your consultation.  Many are very sensitive to smells.  Eating lunch, cooking popcorn, broccoli or any other pungent food right before their service, can trigger a vomiting episode.
  • Did you know that performing a massage on someone who have had lymph nodes remove can cause epidema, and more?
  • Did you know not cleaning “everything” I your treatment room makes them very susceptible to infection?

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The WHY’S is what you should invest in. The process can be read from a sheet of paper. The WHY’S need to be learned.

Centre for Beauty will be offering another class in October.  $100.00 deposit secures your seat (we already have 6).  The balance won’t be due until September.  I highly encourage to think about taking this class.  It will change the way you do things.  It will be one more step in the direction of changing the image of our industry.  It will be life changing, for you and your clients.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”2087″ title=”CJ Murray, President”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

4 thoughts on “The Importance of the Why?”

  1. As an attendee in the OSS training, I felt everything CJ described. From complete mortification at my previous pedicuring practices, to an overwhelming desire to learn as much as I possibly can to protect myself and my clients from potential harm. As CJ said, each day I left feeling excited, sad, overwhelmed and motivated. I can’t say enough about the impact this training had on me! Thank you, thank you!

    1. Marni, it’s always a challenge to me when I try to share my thoughts and/or emotions about our practices in the Pedicure room. The things we need to do to improve not just ourselves, but what we do to improve what we do for our clients and what we do to improve this part of the Beauty Industries image. We are not taken serious enough and we don’t get enough credit. Thank you so much for coming. Thank you for the great comments and Thank You for what you will do for our industry moving forward. It truly was a pleasure to meet you.

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Upcoming Event

Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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