Are You Going Through The Process, But don’t really understand the why?


I just love you all. Always and forever giving me ideas of what might next blog can be.
In speaking with a client this week, we were talking about Education and her frustration with the lack of Education being available in her area.
I shared my frustrations with scheduling classes (because you all want them) only to have to cancel them because of low or no attendance.


In this conversation she shared with me some products she purchased several months ago, sitting in her closet….not being used. Why? Because although she understand the process, she doesn’t understand the why.

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So often we go through the motions of working the process. However, when it comes to really understanding the guts of the service, the products themselves, the ingredients….we fall flat. We don’t know how to explain to our clients and we are intimidated enough by this, to leave products sitting in our closets being unused.

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This is a real problem.  I often get asked for step by step procedures. However, I rarely get asked….

  • what are the ingredients
  • why do they work
  • what effect do they have
  • how is it going to benefit my clients
  • how will it benefit me

These are all very legitimate questions and these are all questions which legitimize our Profession. These are all questions which legitimize you.

Do you know about the ingredients in the products you use on your clients. Not JUST what the ingredients are, but what are the benefits. What will they do to our skin. What will be the long term effects.

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30 years ago, I would never have thought about the ingredients in the brands I used.  I would never have thought about it’s benefits, it’s contra-indications or anything outside of the fact this is what I chose to use in my Foot Care room. 30 years ago, this worked. Not any more.

The feet of yesteryear are know way shape or form, the feet of today. Our lifestyle have changed so drastically. We are dealing with more geriatrics, more diabetes, more immune compromised health issue than ever before.

We are also dealing with a sue happy society.

It is a must we know more about what we are using.  It is a must we know how to talk about what we use.  It is a must, we are educated not just on the process, but also on the why of that process.

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I can almost hear the voices in my ears “I can barely get my staff to follow the process, how on earth am I going to get them to know the whys?”

To begin with I say “get er done”.  Do you want to be one of those Salons with new product sitting in your closet? Product  you spent money on, wasting away behind closed doors? The idea of that is just ridiculous.

What do we do?

  • Each team member should choose a product a week to study
    • Learn what the ingredients are
    • Learn what the benefits are
    • Learn what the results can be
  • Each team member should
    • Learn how to communicate this information
  • Each team member should try the product and/or receive a service with the product

In addition, when a new product is brought it, it should be

  • Used immediately to form a comfort level with this new product. Practice makes perfect.  You have to use it to use it.
  • Share it with all your customers by offering a new product promo.  Get it into their hands/feet immediately



Is there a product your purchased that you aren’t 100% sure about?

Is there something you purchased which you haven’t used yet because you aren’t comfortable with it?

What do YOU want to know about?

Share your thoughts and I will make a blog out of it


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4 thoughts on “Are You Going Through The Process, But don’t really understand the why?”

  1. Exactly!! We have to communicate and use the appropriate product for the condition as well as understand the at home use and why our client would want/need them! Our mindset needs to be what will the product do for our clients not what the sale will do for us! Educate how to use and ask each time we see them how they are using. Some won’t do correctly. It’s an ongoing teaching each time we see the client. With proper application they will see the benefits and continously repurchase.

  2. Hi C J I loved this email , never thought about our conversation hitting such a nerve. I’m very happy I’m on your email list and am looking forward to your webinars. Thanks again

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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