
About CJ & Centre for Beauty

The creation of Centre for Beauty evolved around the passion CJ has for Education and helping others grow and achieve their dreams. Since 1987 CJ has owned and operated a Full Service Salon/Spa and has educated for some of the top lines in our Beauty Industry. When CJ was National Sales Director for Footlogix, she confirmed what she already knew… The Nail Technician is always treated like the low man on the totem pole.

This confirmation brought her to sell her Salon in 2009 and build a Salon Supply Distribution business promoting Education about Feet. She had one mission in mind. “Provide the Nail Technician the Education, the Attention and the Support they need to safely and properly service their clients”.

CJ is a licensed Nail Technician, with training in Advanced Pedicuring through the North American School of Podology and the Medi-Nails learning program. In 2019 she became Oncology Trained in an effort to bring Oncology care into the Pedicure area via Oncology Spa Solutions.

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