Perfecting what we do


I think it is safe to say, we have all learned some valuable lessons over the past year and a half.

Some may have been personally, some may have been professionally.

Regardless of what arena or how that lesson came about and how they changed you, isn’t really important.

It’s what we do with these lessons which really make a big difference.

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When my husband retired from UPS and began working with me in our Business, I thought my life would get a whole lot easier. I was excited for our future.

Little did I know, my life actually got a whole lot more difficult. Yet, it also got a whole lot better.

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Running my Business before my husband had started to get a bit challenging. I had warehouse help, accounting help, graphics help, IT help  and me.

I took care of, and still do the day to day maintenance if you will, including Purchasing, Sales, Marketing, Data Entry, bookkeeping, shipping and legal.

If I took a shortcut or had a mis-entry or order #’s, pricing etc didn’t match from my website store to my accounting system….it really didn’t matter. I knew they were there, and I knew how to correct them.


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As I began to grow and add more people to our team, it made a big difference….and still does.

An example might be….if an item # didn’t match but the description did, I knew by the description the item was correct. Or, if a price in my accounting system didn’t match my store, I knew what to do.

However, when you have other people working with you, everything needs to be 100% clear and accurate.

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My husband coming on board brought much of these discrepancies to the forefront. He may have relished to the idea of correcting his wife, yet I knew the bottom line  was, it was making his job not only more difficult. It also left chances for more error.

Now, since I’m on the road a lot more and training for data entry, it becomes more obvious that correcting and perfecting my processes is hugely important.

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It doesn’t matter what end of the Beauty Industry you are in, constantly perfecting our processes will make things run a lot smoother. It will leave less chance for error and in the end will leave less chance for disappointment.

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In many articles I’ve written, even back to my Cosmoprof days, I’ve talked about the need for a manual when it comes to sanitizing procedures. How the importance of knowing your team understands the concept of cleaning, disinfection and sterilization. The why’s, the how’s…especially the accuracy. This hasn’t changed.

What I have come to understand, is like Technology, everything we do needs to be constantly upgraded, constantly perfected.


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Let’s take a look at our pedicure services

  • Tools;
    • Would you use the end of a screwdriver to bang a nail? Maybe so, yet if you used a hammer it would make that job a whole lot easier.
    • The tools we use in our pedicure service should enhance our procedures. You wouldn’t want to use a dull pair of nippers when clipping excess skin. Sharp tools should be mandatory. I may not always purchase the most expensive clothes. Yet, if I dry clean them, they always look good and they last for years.

How would you perfect the tools you use?

  1. Keep them sharpened. Tools should be sharpened every 3 months.
  2. Clean them properly. Tools should be wiped after cleansing and wet disinfection. If not, the joints can become rusted and no longer functional.
  3. Tools should be lubricated. Weekly lubrication is recommended for ultimate efficiency.

Perfecting this process will help you perfect your pedicure service

Maintenance is key

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  • Products;
    • Using products which work for you in lieu of the other way around is what you should strive for.
    • The products we use In our pedicure service should be Professional grade, they should be effective and they should help you in the follow through for at home care.

How would you perfect the products you use?

The products we use in our pedicure service should be memorable. I received a pedicure one time which I thought was amazing. However, by the time I got home and especially the next day, my feet were just as dry if not more dry than when I got my service. I never returned.

I liken that experience to receiving facials. I love my facials. However, if I don’t see a visible results and feel those results for days…I’m not going back to that Technician.

  1. There are so many choices of pedicure products available to our Technicians. Before you can choose what products you use, you need to know what your service is. What experience do you want to offer to your clients.
  2. Once you answer that question, choose products which will best give you those results.
  3. Know how to use them.
  4. Know the guts of what you are using.
  5. Perfect the process and write it down.

Perfecting your service processes would include retail

Don’t you love purchasing the products which were just used on your hair or your skin?

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  • Retail Products;

    Do your clients have a graveyard of products? Do they tell you they have so many products In their cabinets…they need to use them?

    My feeling is, if they have 10 products they haven’t used, it’s probably because they don’t work and your client isn’t seeing the results they want? They aren’t noticing a difference?

    How would you perfect recommending retail products?

    First, you have to believe in them. For you to believe in them, you have to use them.

    Do you believe in the product or do you believe in the brand?

    1. Brand recognition is huge. There are more followers in this world than leaders. If a brand has recognition, it’s easier to sell. Yet, just because the brand has recognition doesn’t mean the product is effective.
    2. Are you interested in the money you get from retail? Or, is your priority to make sure you are recommending products to your clients which work?
    3. Knowing the answer to that question is key. I firmly believe that if you truly believe, you will reap the benefits of both.
    4. And, like your service, know the guts of what you are promoting or recommending.

    [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]As I look back since the day my husband came to work with me, yes…there has been a lot of frustration and some adjusting.

    Although he may relish in finding a mistake on me (not really), in the end he has not only made it more productive for our Business, he’s made it better for you. Mostly, he has made me a better person and has taught me to slow down, breath, perfect what we already do great….and make great better.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]The lesson I have been reminded off from my journey over the past year and a half, is we can never stop perfecting.

    If things are good, make them great! If things are great, make them a better great.

    Is it time for you to take you Business, your life to the next level?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”9172″ title=”CJ Murray, President”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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    Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

    February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

    Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

    Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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