Is “Effort” part of your strategy?


I was at the gym working out this morning when I looked out the window and noticed the wind had blown down a wastebasket from a Business across the road.

The machine I was on, had a Birds Eye view of the basket 1/2 off the sidewalk and the cover laying in the road.

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A few minutes later I watched as a couple walked upon the blown down wastebasket…..and kept walking. Literally just blew me away.

About 10 minutes later a young girl did the same thing. They all just ignored the fact this wastebasket was in the middle of the road. So much so, they all had to change course and walk around it.

I think I literally said out loud “are you f—– kidding me?” Just flabbergasted.

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How many times have you taken the easy way out? How many times have you not done something because it was no concern to you? How many times have you literally ignored what’s right in front of you?

If you answered one(1) or more to any of these questions, it might be time for you to re-evaluate where you want to be.

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Effort: A vigorous or determined attempt. A force exerted.

It takes effort to succeed. Whether that be in life or in your Professional career.

I visited Target last week in search of a small cabinet for our office bathroom. While I was there, I picked up a Valentine card for my one and only. When I got to my car and lifted the cabinet box out of the cart, the card I chose was sitting in the bottom of the cart. Sure enough, looked at the receipt and it never got rung up.

It just isn’t my nature at all to ignore this. However, it took  a lot of effort to cart myself back into the store to pay for this card. I was tired, I was parked way far out and I had a butt load of things to accomplish on this particular day.

Believe me, I’m human….I thought for all of 1 second NOT to go back in. Yet, I knew it was not only the right thing to do, I also knew how it would bother me if I didn’t.

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When it comes to our Business, it’s easy to do or not to do things because it’s the easy way out. Yet, you know it can have a direct impact on your Business or what might be happening at that particular time.

Putting effort into your work and maintaining that on a regular basis can get tiresome. Yet, not putting effort into your work and not maintaining that level can cause failure.

I don’t know about you….in my world….Failure is not an option.

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The funny thing is, as I was telling my husband about the trash cans, I also said….“they probably blew over again.” We laughed.

Yet, I felt great. I felt exhausted after working out. I had another day of full full running around trying to accomplish things on my day off. And, who wants to touch a nasty waste basket?

I put effort forth to ignore the obvious and it felt great!

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My last article talked about challenging yourself. After seeing what I witnessed this morning effort is another ingredient into being successful.

It’s okay to say “go challenge yourself“. And, it sounds great and many of you got motivated. Yet, how many of you will really take the “effort” to actually do it.

THAT my friends, is the secret to success. The constant adding of ingredients to make the best recipe ever. YOU!!!

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I was thinking about this all day as I drove from one errand to another. I thought of it first in relation to my siblings.

We are all very talented. Yet, it is all different types of talent. What I’m really good at, my siblings aren’t. What they are really good at “individually”, I’m not. Why?

We grew up in the same families, with the same rules. We were all taught the same things, just at different times. Then it dawned on me.

I think mostly all my siblings are musically inclined. My Dad and my brother are amazing at the piano, guitar and violin. Another brother is fantastic at the guitar. A sister plays the accordion. Another sews and decorate cakes. It just goes on and on.

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It came to light that I very well could be talented in all those areas. I have the same genes.

The difference is, those were not my passion. I wanted to learn them and now I wish I learned them more. However, Business was always my passion and that’s where I put all my effort.

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If you aren’t putting all your passion into where you are today.

Where are you putting all your effort?

Follow that path, that is where you success will be.

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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