
I’m not convinced the title of this blog is accurate.

What I kinda feel like I should call it, is “facing the Fear”. Yet, I also know that we have to challenge ourselves to face fear, so maybe it is accurate.

Either way, they for sure go hand and hand.

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Facing fear is a very close and personal topic for me. There are so many circumstances in my lifetime where if I let it, fear would have gotten in the way of so many opportunities. And, I’m convinced, I would not be where I am today if I let fear stifle me.

Maybe that is the reason I get so passionate when speaking with anyone, albeit family or fellow Technicians who is stuck in a situation because they are allowing fear to rule their ability to move forward. Allowing fear to stop them from growing. Allowing fear to keep their head spinning unable to make decisions. Allowing fear to stunt their growth.

I have been there first hand. Leaving my X-husband. Raising a 6 year old daughter basically on my own. Owning a Business. Being the sole person responsible for growth, both personally and Professionally. In short, it has been me where the ball drops for years in all aspects of my life.

I know first hand how difficult it is. I know first hand how important it is to stay challenged, to stay focused, to stay motivated….to keep going.

I know first hand, if you want it bad enough, you just have to freaking go after it.

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My first thought for this article comes from mentoring clients. The conversations I have with them in giving them factual information in an effort to help them make decisions on price increases, hiring help, changing venues, stepping into a different phase of their Business life.

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My second reason for this article is “attempting” to mentor my niece who is 21 years old, still living at home being supported by her parents. She’s working in a dead end, pathetic (sorry) salon in a location of Florida which she will never, ever be able to grow in.

She’s been giving opportunities which she keeps blowing and she just keeps talking in circles, never finding her way out.

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Fear no doubt is a real thing. Yet, if you coward to the fear, as I said to my Niece  recently, it WILL stifle you….she just has to make the decision to put on her big girl panties and take the challenge or….her and I will be having this same conversation when she’s 30. Still living at home, getting or going no where.

When it comes to the fear of raising prices or making a change within your Salon, what is the worst thing that can happen? You lose a customer or two(2)? Trust me when I say, it’s worth it. To work smarter and not harder and eliminating those clients who don’t appreciate your worth, will give you a total sense of relief and accomplishment. Those clients can and will be replaced.


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As entrepreneurs, we are solely responsible for challenging ourselves. We can’t stay idle, we can’t get complacent. They are both killers of your Business.

We are human though. We have feelings. We get tired. We have our lazy days. We get settled.

None of this is actually bad. We have to allow ourselves these “luxuries”. However, we also have to learn to rise above, be stronger than our luxuries and forge forward. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the same place, doing the same thing, earning the same amount of money 5 – 10 – 15 years from now.

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Another question which comes up in both these different scenarios is the question of failure, the question of “what if?”

What if I do lose customers. What if I can’t pay my bills? What if I fail?

Failure is the route to success…there really is no other way!

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Busting through fear takes change. Change typically happens for two(2) reasons. Inspiration or desperation.

We are either inspired by something or someone who gives us the motivation to make a change. Or, we are desperate. We want out of the situation we are in so badly, we commit to making a change.

If you are inspired, if you aren’t in a state of desperation….you will constantly live in fear. So what do we do?

  • Talk with someone who will inspire you, or motivate you
  • Read, follow inspiring blogs or podcast

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It is very easy to get stuck in a seat of complacency.

I challenge you to challenge yourself. Is there something you have been wanting to “improve upon”?

Retail is a big topic in our Industry. It is big because I hear it all the time “I can’t sell retail”. I challenge you to first, change your wording. The more you say it, the more you start to believe it.

I heard a statement the other day on the radio which I thought was absolutely brilliant. Optimism is like a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets’.

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Another common topic of discussion is where many have so many ideas, they don’t know where to begin. Consequently, nothing get’s done because they just don’t start.

I challenge you. Write a list of your ideas and continue to add to it every time something comes to mind. Then, pick one thing off that list and do it. Once you finish one(1) begin another. Eventually before you realize it, you have checked 1/2 dozen ideas off your list.

My checklist is my note section on my phone. I can’t even begin to tell when when ideas hit me. However, I usually have my phone with me when it does. I grab it, I type or talk the idea and I periodically (always) look back at it and choose which idea I’m ready to put into action.

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Price increases is another common topic. It’s easy for someone to say to you “just do it”.

I challenge you. Understand the reason(s) for your price increase. #1 know your value, #2 have your scripted response for those who might ask questions, #3 want it bad enough and just make it happen.

I could go on and on about all the ways we could challenge ourselves in an effort to make a better environment both physically and financially for ourselves. The question is – do you challenge yourself.EVER?

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  1. Gosh this is so inspiring as I just need to inspiring myself into a challenge. I definitely need it to read this, there’s always that saying that said God knows why you had to read this at this right time. Thank you for this as I need to start changing things and I need to start challenging myself for the better. I really appreciate you taking the time to write this for us.

    1. Thank you Millie. The idea that you realize what you have to do is just amazing in itself. Stay on that path and just get it done. Feel free to reach out if you have need someone to talk with, pass ideas by or just need a boost.

  2. Thank you , for these words of wisdom I have been in the beauty industry for the past 10 years and lately I just been feeling uninspired , mostly because I allow fear and self doubt to have place on my heart , even though I am constantly furthing my knowledge and skills, I still under value myself….. when you said above,

    ” be stronger than our luxuries and forge forward. Otherwise, you will find yourself in the same place, doing the same thing, earning the same amount of money 5 – 10 – 15 years from now.”

    This really resonated with me I feel this way so often aware of what’s keeping me in this place I know it’s time to challenge myself !

    1. Persia, I am thrilled to have been able to touch at least one person. Your comment gave me chills as well as tears to my eyes. Feel free to reach out to me anytime you need a boost or someone to pass a thought by or just need inspiration. I am always happy to assist.

  3. CJ, this was the best article. I could’ve read at the moment.

    I am challenging myself because of sa’Sha callus removing product. I have decided to take my business waterless. I’ve changed the furniture in my room so I can offer what is pedicures. I’m also changing my business to save my body so I can work for the next 10 years.

    Thank you for the article

    1. Thank you Laura. You hit it right on the head. We need to work smarter, not harder for so many reasons. One being, we all need to stay working as long as we can these days (unfortunately). And, with our type of work it can be very taxing on our bodies. Sa’SHá was developed with that in mind and I am so over the top knowing it is doing not just what I wanted it to do…..and more!

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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