I’m Feeling Compelled?

HaveYouHeard Complete heading


I’m not one for confrontation and I typically prefer to stay behind the scenes of most anything.  However, what I have witnessed lately coming across many  of the FB pages I participate in, has compelled me to write this article.

When FB first came out, I was envious of all the beautiful nail art, impressed with the marketing abilities of many and thrilled in sharing moments of joy, of success and sometimes even sadness with not just family and friends, but also our Beauty Community.

Growing up (in my Salon), I wasn’t fortunate enough to have FB as a form or marketing, and I have thought many times…..how much more advanced I would have been to have a tool like FB….if used properly!

Somewhere along the way, all that has been lost.  Sadly, I find myself scrolling through pages and pages of rudeness, meanness, bullying, disrespectfulness and just downright nasty comments about this, that or the other.  The language, the negativity, the topics of discussion which, in my opinion should be left off FB.

I’m all for Freedom of Speech and I understand sometimes people just need to vent.  But, can we all just take a moment???? I mean seriously….in the past 30 days….

  1. There’s been a publicized fight between 2 very well know figures in our industry….airing it for all the world to see.  Just because someone makes a statement (good or bad) doesn’t mean it has to be responded too.  And, personal issues and/or concerns should be handled personally.
  2. There’s been nasty comments about Mfg’s products.  Not good!  Not liking a brand is a personal preference.  What i’ve witnessed almost crosses the line into slander.
  3. Political!  I don’t even want to go here.  But….like it or not, the choice has been made.  We don’t have to constantly be reminded #notmypresident.  Follow the # rule….DO NOT TALK POLITICS OR RELIGION….EVER!
  4. Language.  The kind of language i’ve seen posted on FB recently is just downright embarrassing. 
  5. I’ve seen tears (through writings) on winners of contest due to haters?  Really?  What the heck?  This is OUR community…we build each other up, not tear each other down.
  6. Rudenss….OMG, so much of it.  Can we stop pushing the send button until we read and re-read….take that pause and “listen” to what we are writing?

I am very concerned about this viral staircase getting out of control.  ALL of us, (not just 1 of us) work very hard at our businesses, regardless of what type of business you have, and regardless of how big or small.

One negative comment, derogatory statement, ugly impression can kill the dream of someone instantly…….EVEN YOURS!

People read tone into anything that is put into writing.  I’m asking, as a concerned member of our Beauty Community…..can we all just “put the pencil down” for a few minutes?  Think about what you are writing, think about the replications, think about what you may be doing to someone else and even better….what you may be doing to yourself!

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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