Every person has a need

Every person has some kind of need. Will it be you whom fulfills it?

As we approach the Holiday Season, I always get so excited thinking about new beginnings. For me, the Holiday Season allows me to “believe it or not“, slow down a little and it’s my time to prepare for the New Year. Who doesn’t like to have a new start?

With so much uncertainty happening in our world today, I can’t help but think of the future of our Industry, of our lives. How will this uncertainty affect us? Will there be a recession and who will survive if there is?

Already there is tons of talk happening around us regarding the inability to get products. This makes me sad. The next alternative is amazon and to me, that shouldn’t be the next alternative. Why aren’t our Technicians reaching out to their peers to seek an alternative Distributor before going to amazon?

I, as a Distributor have to ask myself the same question you should be. Will I be the one whom fulfills the needs of our existing and/or potential clients? Think about this. Will you be the one who fulfills the needs of your existing and/or potential clients?

Clients have a choice, and there are many of them. What is it that YOU offer which is different than the Salon next door which entices clients to come to you?

As a Distributor, I do watch and learn from what other Distributors are doing. It reminds me of the days I owned my Salon. I didn’t necessarily mimic what other Salons were doing….I found out what WE were doing right and did it even better.

As a Distributor, I feel, what set’s us apart is;

  • Easy to do Business with
  • Fast shipping
  • Impeccable packaging when shipping
  • Continuous Education
  • Mentoring
  • Niche of feet
  • Consistency
  • Hard working, friendly team
  • Passion for what we do

Is that enough though? 

I believe that is a question we all have to ask when it comes to our own Businesses. Is, what you are doing enough to set you apart and make people want to come to you?

  • Is knowing how to properly trim toenails enough?
  • Is giving a killer massage enough?
  • Is serving beverages enough?
  • Is being licensed enough?
  • Is liking to do nails enough?
  • Is liking to do Pedicures enough?
  • Is offering nail art enough?

These questions and more I feel, a Salon owner needs to be asking IF there is any interest in doing better than you currently do and IF you plan to grow your Business. WHAT will it take?

We all know that education is the key to success. And yes, I feel the more educated you are the more loyalty you attract. However, as I frequently experience and hear happening all over in every service and every Business…..what happened to customer service?

Anymore, it appears that showing love of our clients, love for the Business we receive…..just isn’t happening. You’ve heard my story of after several years giving hundreds of dollars and sending referrals to my massage therapist and skin care specialist, she changed her hours. THAT in itself isn’t what upset me. It was her matter of fact attitude which totally through me for a loop.

Do your clients leave feeling appreciated by you? Do potential clients walk in and feel like they don’t want to leave or can’t wait to come back?

Every person has a need and when they are in need of your service….are you fulfilling it the best you can? Are you making sure they aren’t pushed to choose one of the millions of competitors in your arena. What do you do?

So often I see social media talk about “this client was late”, “this client doesn’t tip”, this client etc. etc. etc.  I watch people grow and it pains me to start seeing that holier than thou attitude. Get off your high horse and “remember where you came from”. Another words…get off your pedestal. Every client should be treated as though it is the first time you see/meet them.  THAT is the only way to ensure…..You WILL be the Salon servicing their needs.

PLEASE NOTE; October 28th through November 6th, I will be off the grid attending my daughters wedding. Should anything come up that you need assistance, you can call my assistant Leslie @ 727-249-3917.

CJ Murray, President

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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