End of year thoughts!

What another strange year….right?

Misery loves Company of course and all my B2B partners are in the same quandary as I am. What is happening?

Shipping once again has skyrocketed, everything and anything around us is going up in price, service in most places suck and although there are so many people out of work, no one can find decent help.

You might recall my end of year article for 2023. Not much has really changed. I talked about the lack of attendance at our classes. I spoke of the lack of ability to “refer” back to numbers…since covid. I spoke of the lack of loyalty experienced in this industry. Not much has changed. However, I refuse to let this be the norm, so I personally will continue to do what I can do to make this Industry safe and better every year.

My Business is Centre For Beauty. We provide safe, effective pedicure products and sundries to the Salon Professional.

We do NOT sell to the end user!

We offer many ways to save $$$ throughout the year!

  • 20% off 1 order, the month of your Birthday
  • FREE Freight Friday...the 1st Friday of each month
  • Continuous specials throughout the year (see our specials link)
  • Show deals at all the trade shows we showcase at
  • Shipping $$$ is minimal. I can’t promise yet if we can keep our shipping price the same. Yet, we do offer FREE shipping on orders over $300.00 (with a couple of exclusions). Our standard shipping at this time is $14.95
  • Our carriers do charge a $4.00 residential fee…..have your products ship to a Business address to save that fee. Which, may be increasing this year.
  • We offer all sorts of specialty classes which can be found on our website www.cjscentreforbeauty.com
  • Mentoring….just need someone to talk to?  There is no charge.
  • We offer a drop ship program
  • Same day shipping (in most cases)
  • Quality brands we can stand by
  • and so much more!

Our primary goal? Provide our clients with products we know can make you money in your service arena. Provide constant education on our brands. Provide quality, fast shipping. Become a resource FOR YOU!

Whether you are Salon Owner, an Independent booth renter, an employee…..or me…..we all have the same challenges. How Do we maintain the clients we currently service while building our Business for more growth.

This is an exceptional difficult task while competing with the likes of Amazon, UTube and many other DIY channels.

My theory….DON’T COMPETE. Be who YOU are. Treat others as you would like to be treated and always remember who writes your paycheck.

We can expect for the next year, maybe two, for things to be the same or worse. What is your plan of action?

Ours at Centre For Beauty is to continue educating our customers and offering the best in Customer Service.  We want to WOW you!

My final “end of year thoughts?” I am forever grateful for the opportunity to serve you…our clients.

A friend of mine gave me this framed quote. He had it hanging in his office for years and after retirement, he had it hanging in his home office.

I thought is the perfect ending to my end of year thoughts.

It is not the critic who counts, not the man/woman who points out how the strong man/woman stumbled, or where the Doerr of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man/woman who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotions, and spends him/herself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt






CJ Murray, President

4 thoughts on “End of year thoughts!”

  1. When I opened my first salon 25 years ago, my best friend gave me a beautifully framed segment of the same quote!

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