In teaching two different trainings this week, I am more convinced than ever the biggest problem with the growth of so many Technicians and Salons….they are missing several pieces in the puzzle of owning, managing and working in this Business.
One of the biggest challenges I see and hear is how many of our technicians work more jobs than just their Beauty job, whatever that may be.
They Uber, bartend, nurse, work in an office, dog walk, babysit. The list goes on and on. They do this so they can make money to pay the bills while building their Business.
However, they are usually the ones who keep taking class after class after class. And typically, they are the same class only offered by a different person.
I am not saying at all that you can take too much education. In fact, those who know me, know education to me is essential and should always be a focus in you growth. What I’m seeing and hearing however, is the continuous education on the same subjects. Come on now, how many times can you seriously learn how to cut toenails or make a flower design?
What I am seeing and hearing is that many of our technicians are taking all these classes yet they are never perfecting what they learn. Consequently, they are caught up in this vicious cycle of ‘I want to learn to perfect my trade’, yet they never practice enough to perfect it.
Our technicians are telling me they have to work part time jobs in order to be able to support the education they take and support themselves while they are building their clientele. However, they aren’t talking about their nails or their pedicures… They’re talking about the class they just took to do nails or pedicures. That’s not a bad thing, yet they should go hand-in-hand. You should take a class learn what you were just taught practice what you were just taught perfect what you were just taught then move on to the next educational phase.
So what is the missing piece to all the above? I believe there are many missing pieces.
- How to manage our time
- How to perform a service in a particular allotted time
- How do you develop a partner relationship with a local B2B?
- How to determine which class is beneficial to you and the growth of your business?
- How to choose our tools
- How to choose our brands
- What should my first plan of action be
- How to write a press release
- Wet vs dry manicures/pedicures
- And more!
When I think of this class, I think about what I discuss in our pedicure class when we talk about my favorite ingredient urea. I teach we heal from the inside out. Whether that be mentally or physically. If we want to be healthy, whether that be in our bodies, or in our businesses, we have to take care of them from the inside out.
The above list is just a start. If there is one thing on that list that you have not done or do not know about or just never learned… My NEW missing pieces class is for you.
As I’m currently doing, plant your seeds for the coming year. Think about what you wanted to do this year yet maybe didn’t accomplish. Will that be your main focus next year? Think about the ideas you have and how they will fit in with your plan for the coming year. If you have concrete plans start putting them into action. It’s never too early to start.
For a year now I have been advised and have had good intention to start a podcast. The material for the podcast is not a problem for me. I have years and years of material. The equipment is not a problem for me. I would have to learn what equipment I need yet, I know they are pretty affordable. My biggest problem is talking, believe it or not. I can talk in front of you all day long but I can’t talk in front of a microphone. So for me searching internally to find out what it is, that’s holding me back is a big part of my focus for 2024. I know, if I can get past this fear that I have, it will be a positive, it will be a win for my business.
Are you ready to dwell into your missing piece? Join us for the Missing Pieces debut, March 2024. Class info will be posted soon!
Tickets go on sale for BLACK FRIDAY beginning today through November 26th $199.00 Regular price $599.00 (3-days) resumes November 27th.
CJ Murray, President
Great article. Really made me think. I do have a question. Where is the class being held for the three days? And is it just on those topics you put in your list or is it also Pedicure’s? I was slightly confused on what the class includes?
Thank you Tammy. The class will be held at our location in Largo. There are a whole lot of topics covered in the class including choosing your services, prices, retail, confidence, communication…..oh my goodness….alot. It will not include products, hands on…..maybe demo’s, if that. Well worth the $599.00 price, a real steal at the Black Friday price. I will be looking for a VRBO nearby to help with the cost of hotel stay. I’ll have more details in December on that. Feel free to email me with any more specific questions.