Ch Ch Ch Changes!

For my last couple of blogs of 2023 I really want to focus on YOU!

Not that we don’t always focus on our clients, yet I want to focus on the real you. Are you happy where you are right now in life?, Are you passionate about what you do?, Are you caught in a vicious circle of working too hard for too little money?

Have you taken class after class after class, only to be in the same position you were when you began?

You are not alone. Most of my daily communications always contain a comment similar to “I need to make a change”.

The challenge arises when #1, many people do not adapt well to change and #2, many just don’t know where to begin.

Both are extremely valid and if either of them are you, it’s important to dwell into the why. Like many of our mechanical problems or concerns when it’s come to what we do, knowing the why is the only way for us to know how to service our clients and what would be our at home care product recommendation.

For instance….

  • Why am I getting a fungus on my toenails?
  • Why do my artificial nails break off?
  • Why are my hands dry?
  • Why is the skin on our feet cracking?

Not adapting well to change comes from fear, comes from confidence. If we fear the unknown and aren’t confident we can mill through it, we will not adapt well at all.

I also feel this emotion falls into the “comfort” zone of who we are. We get complacent. We may not like where we are, yet we are comfortable.

Where to begin is difficult in most cases because many try to eat that big elephant all in one piece. Anytime change is needed, it imperative we right down where we are now, and we do we actually want to be. In time, fill in the in-between of how we will get there and before you know it….you are there.

I love new beginnings. To me, change is not only constant, it’s necessary. 

In this seed planting time of year, looking back and planning changes I want to make for the coming year is exhilarating.

Being able to look back at my year and taking my good to make better and my bad to improve is where I get my most growth from. It Is literally looking back at my successes and my failures.

Where change is important is when I question if my successes can become even more successful and what can I learn from my failures. If we never continue to learn, we never change, we become complacent and that’s when we find ourselves in the same place we have been for the past “how many years”.

My new Missing Pieces class is going to cover this topic in more detail. However, I firmly believe that if you are not doing your end of year “seed” assignment, you are doing your Business and yourself a huge dis-service.

Does this mean you “change” everything? NO! What it means is the realization that know matter how good you are, or good you might think you are…..there is always room for change.

  • Can you change your sanitizing procedures? Can they be better than they are today?
  • Can you change up your services a little? Can you produce more income from within because of this minor change?
  • Can you adjust your schedule a bit to make it more accommodating for you? If that’s what you want.
  • Can you change your menu, your pricing?
  • Can you change your atmosphere?

These are just a few. They say variety is the spice of life….spice your life up a bit.

What if you wanted to make a BIG change? I recently met a very talented and sweet young lady whom is a licensed Nail Technician. She was in my Oncology Care Class and shared with me she’ll be going to school in the Spring to become a PA.  This is a very long commitment. However, her end goal is to become more knowledgeable in the “medical” aspect of foot care in order to be able to work with the specific clientele she wishes to service.

She’ll need to adjust her work schedule in order to attend school. She’l be giving up a good part of her income and she’ll be committed to this for at least 4-8 years.

Grant it, she’s young and now is the time for he to do such an aggressive change. Yet, not all the changes we want to make in our working career are that drastic.

She first decided what she wanted to do. She managed her finances accordingly. She investigated into schools and what that commitment would look like. She pulled the trigger! It really is that simple IF….you take the elephant one bite at a time.

The bottom line is change can be good and is necessary if you are not being fulfilled. Why haven’t YOU made the change you know you need and want. WHAT is holding you back?


Some deep soul searching, motivational reading, inspirational books, prayer…..any and/or all of it can help. You can also sign up for our Missing Pieces class and join others who are in the same position you are “static” and leave after 3-days with a whole new mindset……raring to go!

CJ Murray, President

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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