A love story!


I was unable to write my blog last week due to some technical difficulties with the back end of the blog.

It happens. I’ve encountered this before yet my “reaction” to the situation is always different. This time, it truly was no big deal for me. I just couldn’t do it. It was out of my control and I was able to completely let it go until now.

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As I sit here on day #8 of a nasty cold, my head in a fog and the feeling of vice grips on my head, I’m desperately trying to come up with an interesting topic. It just isn’t happening.

Then all of a sudden an idea pops into my head. It’s Valentines week. Tell a love story.

Perfect. I’m going to share with you a true love story, told in a fictitious manner.

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It began in 1982, the first time she had artificial nails. After a journey 1500 hundred miles away where she applied her own press on nails, she fell in love.

She spent countless moments perfecting every detail. Eyeing every curve and showing care to not hurt the arch. The extension was perfect, offering the perfect size. It was a moment to behold and without knowing it, her future was right there in front of her.

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It was 3 weeks since the finger met the nail. They were only supposed to stay together for 3-7 days.

The attraction was undeniable and together they would make a future.

A future which started with physical contact and bloomed into relationships which offered opportunity for continued growth. The love story of a lifetime.

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That person above is me. It’s a story 41 years. in the making and how when you truly love something…or someone….you just continue to love it more than you ever thought you could.

You feel the true sensation of love in your blood.

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You embrace the changes it makes to your lifestyle, because you know… it is really making you a new one.

I life style you developed, naturally.

You meet people, you travel to places you’ve never been. You promote new brands, you work with every aspect of this industry imaginable. That is me!

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And somehow, you begin to realize the impact you’ve made. Yet you stay grounded and hold onto the values you were raised with.

The temptations are great. Without hesitation you stay with the one thing you love the most. Educating others and helping them grow. That’s what true love is. The ability to leave all your cares away so you can care for the one thing you love. It’s a beautiful thing.

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So who or what do you love? That one thing, that one person who you you are  unconditionally in love with?

Identify it, feel it, see it, be it!

Once found, the rest is all natural. It’s a beautiful thing!

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2 thoughts on “A love story!”

  1. I love this story, I wish I could say the same one day down the future. Right now I don’t feel there yet but I do enjoy what I do. Except there’s days like today where I question myself and what am doing. Thank you for the support 🙏 ❤️

    1. Millie, I think it’s very normal for us all to have those days of question. The real question however is, are there more bad days than good? I personally offer free mentoring or just a shoulder if you fee like you need to bounce things off someone or even if you just need a little pitty party :)…..I’ve had a few myself and they do a world of wonders. Thank you for your comment and I’ll be wishing only happy thoughts for you.

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