If you ask Merriam-Webster what the definition of human contact is, you will find it simply to say “interaction with other people”.
Although this is true, I also believe there needs to be a few adjectives associated with this. “Proper” “Angry” “Annoyed” Helpful” “Lazy” just to name a few.
How many times have you found yourself saying after a grueling phone call to your bank (for instance)……”I just want to speak to a person?” SPEAK TO A REPRESENTATIVE! I’m sorry, please try again! Ugh!!!
Human contact or lack thereof, can be the difference between a 5 star review or a 1 star review. It can be the difference between a recommendation or advice to stay away.
I totally understand the need for Technology and can even admit, at times it can be extremely helpful. What I don’t understand is the lack of human contact albeit physically or over the phone, many Businesses are resorting to. Especially in our Beauty Industry.
Our Industry is all about human contact. We touch and feel most parts of the human body. Hair, Nails, Feet, Face…not to mention what is waxed.
However, many of our Salons have resorted to automatic systems with telephone answering and/or appointment scheduling.
In addition, many of our Technicians are resorting to on line education, totally and completely doing away with human contact.
I chose this topic today for a couple of reasons;
- Don’t forget where you come from. I so often hear/see Technicians complaining of many hassles when it comes to human connections. How did you feel when you started your Business? You could only hope and dream a human would walk into your Business.
- How do you feel? Think about you attempting to call to speak to a “human”. You know how annoying it is.
- Consider your clientele. I so often think about the elderly when I’m spending time trying to figure out a website or filling information on line for any specific appointment.
I also chose this topic because bringing  awareness to human contact when it comes to Education is huge.
I know first hand the expenses involved with travel and attending trade shows and/or classes. Yet, I also know first hand the ginormous return on investment when I do in person education compared to on line education. Sometimes it isn’t just about the course itself. It is more often about the human interaction we receive from others. The lessons we learn from each other AND the motivation we can receive. Interaction which make people lifetime friends.
We can’t let the world of Technology let us forget why we are in this Business in the first place. We wanted this as a career because we are nurturers. We love taking care of people, we love interaction AND we get to make them look and feel good.
If we forget all that. If we eliminate human contact whether that be through friendships or growth, we all will suffer.
CJ Murray, President
Very well put and true Cj! Thank you again for your words of wisdom
Thank you Susi 🙂
Thank you for this. My automated booking system has bought me some of my life back. Finding balance when you love your work is challenging. I have been flustered by the pushback from clients regarding online booking. I appreciate this reminder.
It’s easy to forget as Technology “attempts” to make our life easier. I think sometimes, we all just need this type of reminder. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate you.
Loved this article could probably think of a lot more contact to go with it. I so agree with you on Customer Service over the phones, being computers, and I am dead set against my clients having to go online to make an appointment. It is so unpersonable, confusing. I tried it once, and I never went back to that salon for a service. Thank you for your article I truly appreciate it.
Thank you Tammy. It’s a struggle for sure. It kind of reminds me of going to McDonalds anymore. I just want a simple iced coffee and I’m spending 5 minutes on a marque ordering my own. It’s impersonal. I feel like our Business of all Businesses is and should be kept personal as much as possible. Appreciate you taking the time not only to read, also type your comment. 🙂
Hmmm I see. For me, I love online booking and it helps me see what they have for availability. I would call some businesses and they don’t answer or I would request certain days and times and play phone tag and that is frustrating for me. I like online booking, but also allow guests to call me or text me if they need help booking a service. I guess I do a little of both worlds and it helps me. I think it depends on the business how flexible will they be.
A little of both worlds is GREAT. Yet, to give personal contact up totally I don’t agree with. I guess with on line booking, it depends on its simplicity. I know when I have to use it for a service, what they call something is different than what I call it. Consequently, it builds frustration because I can’t find what I need. It’s also when you call a number and they tell you to go to http://www.doityourself.com without having anyone there to help. So yes, technology is great, I just think we should not depend on it totally…ever! Totally agree!