Year in review!


As I sit here and write my last blog for 2022, I’m thinking back of the past 11 months and thinking, “I am so satisfied with doing what I do”.

And, when I thought of the title of this blog, “year in review”, I’m reminded of how I tell myself and others, don’t look in the rear view mirror. What has been done is done, it’s time to look into the future.

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I stand corrected. Sometimes we have to look back, not only to see where we came from, to see how much we have grown.

I realize for many of us, looking back causes us anger. That’s good. Until you completely face your emotions head on, you just can’t heal.

I’ve road the emotional roller coaster myself. It’s not fun! Yet I can tell you from personal experience, Once you open yourself up to all the emotions, that AH AH moment can’t  be priced. It is absolutely priceless.

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The moment when I sit back and admit, I don’t know what the message is, I realize I’m in it! I’m thinking the process not reacting to it. I’m learning how to control and steer my emotions. I’m completely open!

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The bonus comes from writing my blogs and sharing my life story with you. At the same time hopefully touching one(1) person or giving them their AH AH moment. Who wouldn’t love what they do?

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As I look back at 2022, it’s crazy. It’s no wonder I just want to be left alone on Christmas. LOL Not to be a scrooge. It because I’m exhausted.

We presented at 7 trade shows this year. That’s about 1+ per month of show seasons. WOW

In addition we hired a social media group to assist with our Instagram and it’s been phenomenal. I thought I was just delegating my responsibilities. I was actually entrusting them with my Business. Not only was it a smart decision for Business. It was great for my personal ambitions. I hired a group who either are still in or came from Ukraine. My giving them Business paid enough to help one(1) person make it out of Ukraine into the USA. The who situation is heart breaking and I wanted to help.

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As a parent, my husband and I celebrated the great news of the engagement of our daughter. It was technically Christmas last year, so it counts. My wish and dreams for my daughter to be with a man who could let her be her, make her laugh, protect her and provide, came true.

I spent a week with my parents. Mom 90 and Dad 93. They have the typical elderly issues. Can’t hear, can’t see…ya know. Yet, my Dad requested to see the Statue of Liberty and we made it happen. So many happy moments, but when I saw him look up at her and said “he can actually make out her eyes”, I knew he had seen her and all the trials and tribulations of the week, was worth it.

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We also grew our business from a 704 sq ft warehouse, to 2250 sq ft. A scary yet exciting task. We have turned 1500 sq ft of our new space for our amazing brands. 25 x 30 into a classroom.

December is my month to put the classroom together to prepare for our 3 classes scheduled for the 1st quarter of next year. My goal is more interest in in-house classes. Virtual classes are great and served a huge purpose during the pandemic. It doesn’t have to be a way of life. The emotional aspect you receive from in-house classes in mingling with others just like you, is worth multitudes more than what we charge for our classes. You miss so much when you learn on line.

I believe also, there are benefits of hiring someone who got up, got dressed and drove or flew to class, Over the person who stayed in bed in their jammies all day taking an on line course. Those who got up don’t just have the the mind abilities, they also have the people skills. The combination of them both is short of amazing. I realize there is an expense and it’s time away from our Businesses, and our Salons. However, you need that. Getting away, sharing with your piers, always gives up new motivation.

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sa’SHá was developed…and introduced in June of 2022. She was not only developed. She surpassed my wildest expectations. My callus softening product. MINE!

I’m actually very humble about it to be honest. This is the first time I actually “shouted ” it to the world. I have such gratitude for the people who taught me. All the good and the bad experiences. Without all that learning experiences throughout my career, sa’SHá may not have happened.

We all have our own journey, yet we need the resources. I always say, “resources are our greatest assets“.

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We also fulfilled a goal of mine for many year and were approved to be a Distributor for the Busch Nail and Podiatry instruments (bits). I have always been impressed with the quality of these bits, yet, not the price.

Centre For Beauty makes every move with one thing in mind. How do we help our Technicians in both Education and saving $$$’s. I am so super thrilled that by acquiring the Busch Distributorship here in the USA, the knowledge we will be able to teach you along with the assistance of the Busch team AND the $$$ we will be able to save you, will both be amazing. I can’t wait to get started.

Look for all information to be on our website by January 1st. Our first order has been placed, as we speak we are awaiting arrival.

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We exposed ourselves twice to Puerto Rico. Because of the demand, my husband, our shipping Manager is receiving his hazmat certification so we can ship all the products they want, which are the products you love. Footlogix and LCN specific products. Its been a nice market for us, and now I have to be able to provide.

Once Vincent receives his certification, that also opens us up for Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. It’s a very exciting opportunity. A lot to learn and eager to do it.

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There is so much more I know I don’t even remember. It certainly has been a busy year and I am thankful and blessed for all of it.

It’s a busy season for us all, so this is where I say goodbye to my blogs until January. Thank you for your continued support, for all your comments and all your friendship. I look forward to many exciting happenings in 2023.

  • Weekly blog – multitude of topics
  • Feet facts Friday – Fun facts, sad facts, important facts
  • FREE FREIGHT FRIDAY – yes, we will continue to offer free freight (the 1st Friday of every month)
  • Free webinars
  • In house classes
  • Many shows with new ones on the horizon
  • Continued mentoring
  • And more…not even decided yet!

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So, as you can see, looking back isn’t always so bad.

Don’t think for a moment there weren’t hard times. There were! We managed through them and came out stronger because of it.

There are still a couple lessons I don’t understand yet. I’m keeping myself open and hoping for that AH AH moment.

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Happy Holiday’s everyone!

Be true to YOU, work hard-play hard, Enjoy, learn and mostly, be Merry

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6 thoughts on “Year in review!”

  1. Thanks for sharing!! So happy for you and such a successful year. I’m excited to hear all about YOUR new product.
    Much love and success for the coming year.
    Xo Colleen/ Eclips salon and spa

    1. Thank you Colleen. None of it would have happened with you and the rest of my clients. I am so grateful. Blessed Holiday Season and cheers to a fantastic 2023!

  2. Love it CJ!! Congratulations on everything you’ve accomplished this year. Merry Christmas and here’s to a very happy new year.

  3. That all sounds amazing, thanks for sharing. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a very happy new year. Congratulations for your daughter as well. We always want what’s best for our kids.

    1. Thank you Tammy, could not have done it without you and all our amazing clients. Yes, super excited. Looks like we might have a November wedding date. 🙂 Happy New Year!

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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