Worth repeating….or not?

I have the utmost respect for anyone in our Industry who takes the time to help others learn.

In this age of social media, it is truly over-whelming how many post and short videos are being made in an effort to either sell their products, or sell themselves. Myself included. After all, the days of mail marketing aren’t quite over yet, however….they sure aren’t as effective as they use to be.

I have learned to manage all the social media tidbits. I’ve learned which battles to fight and I’ve definitely learned to keep my mouth shut. I will tell you though, it is literally disgusting watching so much mis-information being fed to our Techs. It’s frightening and it’s just downright wrong.

First of all, let’s begin with “the BEST”.  I’ve recently been witnessed to a few post on social media claiming the BEST product available. The BEST education at a lower price than other Educators are charging. Talk about back stabbing our piers.

The only BEST about any product is that it is best for ‘you”, for your “clients”. There are so many not only amazing brands available to us, they are pretty much all similar. Yet, slightly different.

As I’ve stated many times, educate yourself on what makes a product effective and then choose if it’s effective for you. We have to be weary of what “others” claim. We have to be concerned with people claiming a product to be “the BEST”…especially when  it’s the 4th line of products a claim like that is made in a two(2) year period. How can you trust? Know your resources.

Offering education is a difficult job. Pricing is based on so many aspects of what is being taught. If prices vary, it’s based on information, educator experience, products included..or not….just to name a few.

  • Know what you are looking for
  • Know who you are getting your information from
  • Know your cost
  • Know your availability
  • Know your support

When I saw a post referencing “Educators” over charging for their education my tongue literally started to bleed. Not only is that such disrespect for all Educators, it’s just downright wrong.

I have always said any education is good education. Yes, there are classes I’m aware of which I have shared my concerns about yet, I’ve always felt and stated, there is always something you can learn. You just have to know how to distinguish what is right and what isn’t. What is allowed in your State and what isn’t.

It is the same with choosing who you allow to educate. How do they qualify? What is their experience? What is their reputation?

I recently heard of a Hair Salon who also had an Education Department. Within the last 6 months, they closed both. Now, the owner of these places that were shut down is teaching “how to run a successful Salon Business” Whaaaaat??????? That is not the person I want teaching me!

Know who you are learning from and why!

The other subject I have witnessed a lot recently on social media is the subject of foot files. I can 100% assure you, my education on foot files is extensive. I not only have done my own research, I have been advised on the dangers lurking with our foot files from several resources….trusted resources…for years.

I encourage you to PLEASE read this article. THE TRUTH ABOUT FOOT FILES. It is a huge eye opener.

  • Sandpaper is used to smooth hard surfaces. Feet NO
  • Pumice stone is volcanic rock. Crumbles
  • Satan’s grater (any grater) shreds cheese…and your skin.
  • There are differences in metals which CAN cause allergies


Any break in the skin (including ones caused by foot files or aggressive cuticle cutting) can let in bacteria, leading to infection, amputation and death.

ALSO, don’t be drawn in by words. Don’t believe everything, everyone you see and hear. Do your research, know your resources and if you have any doubts….don’t trust them.

CJ Murray, President

6 thoughts on “Worth repeating….or not?”

  1. Gloria Alicia Moeller

    I just love you!!!! You are always giving us the education we need for every day!!!! Bravo to you!!!!!

  2. Yes! YES! YES!!! There are so many great products out there and so many amazing educators that when you see a manufacturer or an educator putting another product or person down you need to ask yourself if their product is so amazing, why do they need to speak poorly of something else to make it look good? Quality speaks for itself and you don’t need to put something else down to make it shine, facts are facts ARE FACTS, period. If you are sharing your truth, you believe in what you are teaching with your heart, and you are educating with the professional’s best interests in mind, then there is no need to speak against anything or anyone else because you are offering them facts and a demo that they can use to see what best fits their personal needs The decision they then choose to make isn’t personal, its business. You can still support them in other ways even if they don’t use the products you happen to love. If we all remembered to exercise our ethics more and the inner mean girl less, the industry as a whole could be so much stronger!!

    1. Holly, what Is so discouraging to me is the people responsible for these actions just keep going….from one venue to another. I just can’t imagine switching my brands and my beliefs so frequently. How would anyone have any faith in what I say? There is so much which can be done to strengthen our Industry and a whole lot of Business to go around. There is absolutely no reason to put others down nor other products. We are fortunate in our Industry to have people who have different views and can educate from different levels. Yet, as a new comer how exactly do you distinguish between those who really know and those who act like they know? We are certainly blessed for you!

    1. Oh goodness, you gave me chills and brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much. I greatly appreciate you as well!

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