The Six Values

Over 30 years ago, a lady walked into my Salon. She was referred to us by another Salon in the area who didn’t offer the service she was requesting.

Little did I know, I not only would gain a new client….I gained a beautiful soul, friend, family…whatever. And, I gained extended blessings by getting to know her husband and her son.

During the course of these 30+ years “Cheri” and her family have been with me through many trials and tribulations. I have an admiration for them which could never be described in words.

Mel owned a Business when we met. Over the years they shared many stories with me of both the sadness, anger, frustrating and happy times they experienced as Business owners. In short, I learned so much from them. I learned success comes from hard work. Success comes from consistency. Success doesn’t necessarily come early in life.  Success comes from keeping true to the person you are.

One of the many many things I learned from Mel which, really touched me was “Six Values For a Successful Man/Woman”.

  • Awareness
  • Skepticism
  • Integrity
  • Courtesy
  • Learning
  • Commitment

Fast forward a few years. After hearing so much of their son Chad I finally had the opportunity to meet him in person. Chad was in the Air force. At the time I met Cheri and Mel, he was serving overseas. He is now a retired “Colonel”.

Over the years however, my husband and I have been blessed to be invited and attend many pinning ceremonies and/or special events. At one point, Chad was a part of the group which developed the curriculum for AMMOS (Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School) or for short Advanced Aircraft Maintenance and Logistics. Once Chad retired as Colonel, he was recruited back to the school he began, as a civilian instructor. I can say the only thing I haven’t seen Chad do is teach. However, knowing this man the way I now him and all the accolades that follow….there is no doubt he was an amazing instructor.

This story comes together because Cheri recently shared with me an article Chad once wrote regarding the same six values he learned as well, from his Father. In reading his writing, it called upon me to share.

Chad writes; A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work and punctuality, to the more psychological, such as self-reliance, concern for others and harmony of purpose. And….just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organization and institutions.

  • Integrity – Chad writes…there should be no questions. However, integrity has a very personal meaning to me. Integrity is what gave me the strength to make a huge decision in my life which, I knew would affect not only me. My daughter, my family, my friends. Integrity is what I base my life on. It is whom I choose to do Business with. It is what I admire the most in people. “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness”.
  • Awareness – Chad identified this in regards to the Air Force as “situational awareness”. One should always keep their SA high. This doesn’t just apply to our military… applies to all of us.
  • Courtesy – Perfectly said “Whether it’s courtesy to our superiors, peers or subordinates, courtesy Is a value that will always serve you well when interacting with others.
  • Skepticism – Chad states “you can’t always believe everything you see and hear”. I’ve spoken of this many times in many of my previous articles. I would have to change one word in Chad’s statement. “you can’t ever believe everything you see and hear”. It is sad, but true… today’s world. However, Chad does go on to say…..and I 100% agree…. “Sometimes skepticism can be a powerful method of evaluating the truth and making decisions based on evidence and sound reasoning.”
  • Learning – To quote John F. Kennedy “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”.
  • Commitment – Whatever the objective is, it is going to take commitment in order to achieve it. Well said Chad!

So often I struggle with how to get my message across. I choose my words carefully not to offend and I also am aware that every pair of eyes that read my articles, will not only read it differently, they will pick out from the article which “reads to them”. I assure you, if you go back to any of my articles…all of these values will apply.

Chad quotes a former General on a book he wrote “What I Believe”. 

“Whatever one’s values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow”.

In case you were wondering; Mel hung a framed list of “The Six Values” on the wall just above his light switch so that it was the first thing he’d see as he started his day. A duplicate which he passed on to Chad, has hung in the same place in his office(s) wherever he was stationed since he was second lieutenant. A triple copy which Mel gave me has hung on my walls for at least 25 years or more.

Would you like one? Click here for your printable copy. When you look at it think of not only the meaning of the words themselves. Think about the History. The story that began with a lady I met in my Salon over 30 years ago. Think about the impact that one introduction has had on my life.

In our Beauty Industry there is so much opportunity. Education is the obvious. What about relationships? Look at who you are drawn too. How many of those six values do they portray? You are only as good as the people around you!

CJ Murray, President


4 thoughts on “The Six Values”

  1. Dear Cindy,

    Reading your blog entitled, Six Values, warmed my heart to the point of tears! My family and I thank you for capturing the meaning of those trusted values and relating to your readers how those values have served you and us, in business and more importantly, in our daily lives. Hopefully, others may want to apply these as well as other personal values of their own and post them where they can be reminded everyday of their significance and commitment.

    Love from the gal you met over 30 years ago …. so many treasured memories since then, yet it seems like only yesterday!

    1. Thank you Cheri….The response to this article has been overwhelming. It’s nice to remind our Technicians how meeting the people we do can have such a positive affect on our lives. Mine was truly blessed when you walked into my Salon so many years ago.

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