Specialized Foot Care

In continuance of my discussion regarding Pedicuring with Cancer clients, I continue to receive emails with comments and suggestions based on my clients personal experiences.

I am reminded how we live in a world with so many immune compromised people.  How those of us who have never had a health scare, can’t even begin to relate to the day to day challenges someone with health concerns experience.

The feedback I have received have been personal.  They have been real.  They have put more fire in me to continue my quest in helping our Industry to understand the importance of proper procedures in the Pedicure chair and the follow through with proper cleaning and disinfection procedures.

One of the comments I received struck me quite personally.  “never underestimate the value of an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or arms to gently hold someone……support can come in so may ways.

This statement came again from my colleague and friend Reggie Stephens.  He goes on to say, the Professional which a Cancer patient is seeing (Cosmetologist, Foot Care Specialist, Massage Therapist ect.) may be the only people touching them in a gentle manner.   That touch can bring untold amounts of joy to someone dealing with Cancer.

It makes me think of all the kind comments and offers of prayer for what my family and I are going through right now regarding my Dad.  I wasn’t reaching out for sympathy, but the overwhelming support I have received has touched me and brought joy to my heart in so may ways.

Reggie also shared with me that Cancer clients (most of) don’t want to stand out.  Modifying your services based on your individual client is better then developing a whole new service specifically for Cancer patients.

That statement follows my exact thoughts on what I have shared in many past blogs that our Foot Care service should really begin with the consultation “via our reception desk”.  Not every client is created equal.  It is imperative to know what we are dealing with before the client sits in our chair.

We don’t want to advertise we “service cancer patients”, we want to advertise, we tailor our Foot Care services based on each individual client”.  Special need clients will appreciate the fact that a Technician is Educated and Qualified to identify the needs of their specific care.

I reached out to the “Oncology Spa Solutions” Company which specializes in caring for special needs clients.  I’m hoping to add this class to my venue at Centre for Beauty Salon Supply.  In preparing for where I want my Company to go, OSS fits perfectly into the Education I wish to share with you.

In a couple of weeks we are presenting at the Nails Magazine Foot Forward Summit.  Centre for Beauty is presenting specialty products such as Safe and Proper Disinfection, Safe and Proper tools and Solutions for every day problems for every day feet.  Once we present through the Summit, we will share with those of you who aren’t attending the direction we feel Foot Care needs to go.

This direction is not expensive, it’s not  time consuming and it’s not rocket science, it’s simple common sense.  It’s taking your Salon to the next level and showing your clients you truly care.  I hope to help YOU help your clients.

If you are looking to begin the practice of “specialized” Foot Care, here are a few thoughts and/or suggestions for you to consider.

  • Does your client consultation begin at the reception greeting?
  • Is your client consultation thorough?
  • Are your sanitary procedures sub standard?  Do you do what you have to do to pass, or do you take it to the next level?
  • Do you really know the guts of caring for an immune compromised client?

Education in our industry, or any industry is huge.  However, if this is the route you want to go I suggest you get specialized Education.  Step out of the box of Education within our Industry and seek Professionals in the Medical field who can help.

These forms of Education ain’t cheap, and they shouldn’t be.  In the long run though, this type of Education can not only save someones life…..it can change yours.

I’m excited to share that Centre for Beauty has been working all year on taking our own steps for a better, safer Industry.  We have either added or are adding

  • Sterilizing pouches for Autoclaves
  • Autoclaves
  • Single use implements and burs
  • Medical grade tools
  • Tailored Education
  • and more!

10 years ago when I started Centre for Beauty”All About Feet”, I knew the direction our Industry was heading.  I knew it was just a matter of time when products in relation to feet would be popular.  I knew it was a matter of time when Companies like Nails Magazine would jump on the bandwagon and develop Summits in relation to “Feet” only.  I knew my competition would grow.

I’m here to tell you now…..specialized Foot Care is on it’s way.  I hope you join me in making it the best it can be.

CJ Murray, President

Centre for Beauty Salon Supply

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Upcoming Event

Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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