Should we or shouldn’t we?


I don’t particularly like the work associated with decorating. However, through my years at my Salon and since the day I owned a home, I always seem to go over and above when it came to Holiday decorations.


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I would have to say initially, I felt obligated as a Business owner and a home owner to “get in the spirit”. However, I soon realized, decorating wasn’t for me… was for my clients. In the case of my home, for anyone who walked or drove by.

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As we get older, I think we have the need to simplify. Less is more, so they say.

When I look back though at everything we did at my Salon, I’m reminded of the fun times, the excitement it brought to the Holidays and how for a short period of time, we could forget the troubles of the world.

Yes….troubles of the world have always been in existance.

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  • We had a very dear friend of ours whom painted our windows for each Holiday theme. She also painted statues built by family members. We placed this beautiful figure on top of our building.
  • On Halloween our team picked a specific character “group” which we all participated in.
  • We offered discounts and hidden little surprises.
  • We had food related to the specific Holiday.
  • We called the newspaper on decorations we were specifically fond of. and, many times our clients called them as well.

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Our Holiday themed decorations became well known amongst our clients. To this day, when I run into a former client the memory of what my Salon and our team did around the Holidays is always topic of conversation.

Of course, we did amazing nails and quality pedicures and they don’t hesitate to let me know how much they miss us, however, it’s the memories of our inter-actions with our clients. What we brought to them for excitement and how they looked forward to the next one.

I’m okay with that. I’m okay with having literally hundreds of clients sharing their stories of my Salon since 1987.

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So, if we question whether we should or shouldn’t bring this form of entertainment to our clients, or offer Holiday discounts, or give Holiday gifts…..I would have to give a definite YES!

One could say, this type of transition from Holiday to Holiday can keep us from getting complacent.

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COVID has for sure put a damper on the way we do things. That doesn’t mean though, you just stop doing. I know there may be some that disagree. We MUST move on with life, running our Businesses and doing everything we can possibly do forge forward. And, as I have said in many previous articles…..we need to adjust fire.

We need to look at our circumstances and determine what is going to be best for our current situation.

As an example… heart brakes for our little trick or treaters. In reality though, we have had grave concerns for years in regard to trick or treating. Poisoned candy, razor blades in candy, predators, kids getting hit by a car. I specifically remember the year we started to X-ray our candies before we let our children eat them. Same day, different shit.

All this and more did not stop us from having fun. Our families, our teachers, our Businesses all came up with creative ideas for our children. COVID is no different.

I see tubes being used on walkway railings to deliver the candy to the trick or treaters. People are putting tables at the end of their driveway and separating the candies for the children to take. Families are creating their own “trick or treat” adventures for our kids. Our society has learned how to “adjust fire”

I personally decorated our home as usual, and hope passerby’s enjoy.

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My point is, this type of activity brings excitement into your Salon…good excitement. It gives your clients a break from reality. It keeps us from getting complacent and it helps us to enjoy the cultures of our Society.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”14px”][vc_column_text]How can you offer Holiday buzz while being Covid safe and not spend a whole bunch of money?

  • Decorate. These do not have to be extreme.
    • Window painting is not expensive yet very effective.
    • Check with your local Goodwill or Salvation Army store for an artificial tree. You can use this tree to decorate for every Holiday throughout the year.
    • Check with your local Goodwill store for inexpensive wood monuments which might be able to be “revived”
    • Visit the $$$ store
    • Simple things like changing the color of your towels to reflect the Holiday or placing a wreath on your door.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”14px”][vc_column_text]Nail art. The nail art I did in the 80-90’s is NOTHING compared to what I see on social media today. You all are so incredibly talented.

  • Choose a color of the month to reflect the Holiday. Market it, brag on it, wear it.
  • Present a different design for each week. This way, you get proficient at it after doing it repetitively.
  • Post it on your website, at your reception counter….build the excitement.

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  • Client gifts. Make it thoughtful. Think about what message you are trying to give. Don’t always give a gift in expectation of further Business.
    • Centre For Beauty has many thoughts and ideas for our Salons. Be sure to visit our website where you will soon see a category just for “gift ideas”
    • Check out Oriental Trading Company. Many years I purchased client Holiday gifts from them. They have unique items at very affordable prices. For 3 years in a row one time, we gave away glass ornaments….hearts and other designs. Our clients loved them. (be sure to check availability when ordering. COVID I’m sure has put a kink on items you can get)
    • Gift certificates. I received this idea from the Salon I frequent. We received a coupon book with 12 coupons. 1 for each month. It might have been a discount off a service, or a discount off a retail product. It was a mix and match of coupons. It was very exciting and very much appreciated. The gift that kept on giving.
    • How about an intro to a new program? It doesn’t always have to be about “some thing”. This time of year is a great time to introduce new things that you might offer in the next year. Maybe you will introduce a price increase, yet give your client a punch card with gives them 1 free service after 10. Or, maybe you are combining service promotions. Book a pedicure and manicure together and receive 10% off your manicure service.

Be creative. Be present. Let your clients know, they are constantly on your mind. Decorations, Holiday gifts, future plans is all a way of letting your clients know….they are always on your mind, and you appreciate them.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”14px”][vc_column_text]With that being said….Centre For Beauty had its own ‘Should we or shouldn’t we” thought.

2020 has been a crazy year to say the least. We are so appreciative of the support which continues to come our way. In addition, we are always looking for ways to help our clients save $$$.

Coming soon:

  • 1 final virtual trade show for 2020 coming soon
  • AngelFeet file buy back program effective through December 31st.
  • Holiday gifts ideas coming by the end of October
  • 2 more FREE FREIGHT FRIDAY’S of 2020
  • Shhhhh – introduction of our new product line.
  • 2021 brings many new and exciting programs – stay tuned

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As the season of decorating and partying approaches.  Be creative and give. Give your best to yourself and to everyone.

Love what you do, do what you love….or as a very dear friend of mine just said to me “work to live, don’t live to work?

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2 thoughts on “Should we or shouldn’t we?”

  1. Hi, CJ.
    I absolutely love bringing the spirit to our customers. You actually give me good ideas to do now and I will work on it. I definitely do want to give my loyal customers something these holidays and I just wasn’t sure how to go about it.

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