I believed in FB so much I bought stock. I still remember sitting around socializing with a group of people who were calling anyone who invested in FB “stupid”. Kept my mouth shut of course, but I certainly wasn’t stupid. FB was good to me for a long time. However, not to long ago I decided to sell my stock and this is the reason why. Which leads me to…….
Anymore when I’m on FB, i’m discouraged by so many things. Instead of people sharing their lives, their sharing their dirty laundry. There isn’t a whole lot of “Sally just had a baby” or “look….i’m in Africa”. Instead there is a whole lot of negativity, nastiness and unprofessionalism.
What is “unprofessionalism” on FB?
- Unprofessionalism is simply NOT choosing your words carefully
- Unprofessionalism is hiding behind the computer
- Unprofessionalism is making innuendos that are obvious digs
- Unprofessionalism is jacking in on someone else promotion
- Unprofessionalism is mentioning anyones name, Business or not, in a negative connotation
- Unprofessionalism is immoral, dishonest or dishonorable conduct.
What IS Professionalism?
An individual who shows consideration and respect for others demonstrates a commitment to professionalism. Likewise, a person who keeps his or her word, demonstrates loyalty, and exceeds expectations is demonstrating professionalism.
Read those words: “shows consideration and respect“.
I’ve seen enough on FB recently which has brought a whole new light into my world of Beauty. And unfortunately, it’s not a shining light. I’ve seen words and comments which could hurt other peoples Business and i’ve seen words or comments which in the end……will hurt the people who are posting.
Centre for Beauty has opened a FEET Geeks CFB page that is NOT opened to everyone, you have to be approved. It’s about Education. It’s about helping each other. I intend to keep it that way. I also intend to minimize my Business interaction on FB because I simply choose NOT to be a part of what I am seeing. I’ll be moving over to Instagram to share the wonderful things about Centre for Beauty and the brands I carry. And, i’ll be searching new ways to keep my clients informed.
I encourage everyone to take that 10 second pause before posting your message on FB. Burning bridges is not the key to success, negativity only breeds negativity and when you hang out your dirty laundry, it never goes away.