Our top 3 Callus Softening products!


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Over the years we have all been introduced to many products which claim to be the best of the best when it comes to “callus removal”. Yes, many Mfg’s use that term which……if I don’t correct, someone will turn me into the callous police and i’ll get my ass chewed. Don’t get me wrong, i’m a huge proponent of making sure we use the right terminology and stay within the limits of our license. I just think the entire point is missing when focusing only on the “correct terminology”.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Anyhow, there are many great “callus softening” products available to us. However, how do we distinguish one from the other? How do we determine which one is best for our Business? How do we know which one is best for our clients?[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Let me share what I know (which isn’t everything), in hopes it will help bring clarity and help you decide which is best for you and best for your clients.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”purple” border_width=”8″][vc_column_text]


To begin with, what exactly is a “callus softening” product?  It makes sense to say it’s a product which softens the callouses right?  True as that is, are you looking for a product which just softens the callouses?  Or, are you looking for a product which helps in the process of filing the calluses off the skin?  Hence, callus removal……truly just a play on words.

Another thing to consider are the long term effects.  Many products which are available in our market are products which literally “remove” the callus.  These products typically contain ingredients which I would consider not quite safe, effective nor long lasting.

Our calluses are there for a reason.  PROTECTION.  If “removed” in an inefficient manner,

they will grow back thicker and harder.

Therefore, what is really recommended are products which, are based with ingredients that drive into the layers of the epidermis allowing the softening process to work from the inside out.  This allows softening from the cellular level then allowing the skin to “continuously” naturally exfoliate.

With these proper ingredients, when we do take a foot file to the callous, the skin is softer and more pliable.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”purple” border_width=”8″][vc_column_text]


There are several additional things to think about when choosing your callus products.

  • What is the ingredient which makes the claim to be the working ingredient? RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH.  There are several, if not hundreds of products on the market.  There are several, if not hundreds of ingredients.  The only way to know for sure, if it will work, if it is safe, if it is effective……is research.
  • Whichever product you decide upon, I don’t care how good it is…..never EVER remove more then 80% of the callus.  Again, the callus is there to protect us.  If too much is removed it will not only grow back thicker, but you can cause portal of entry for infection.
  • Know your foot files.  Here is a link to an article I wrote in 2016.  I can’t really improve upon the information except to emphasize how important it is to use a proper file in your Foot Care service.
  • Follow through with client at home care.  I’ve said this before, and i’ll repeat myself until I go to my grave.  Can you brush your teeth 1x per moth an expect to to have any problems?  YUCK! The same is with the skin on our feet.  Unless we rid the environment of what cause the dry skin on our feet to begin with……our lifestyle, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, walking barefoot, poor hydration and so on and so on…..we will always need the maintenance.


Centre for Beauty Salon Supply offers 3 different types of callus softening products.  They are chosen carefully.  I look for products which first and foremost are;

  • Safe for the client
  • Safe for the technician
  • Safe for diabetics
  • Safe for any immune compromised client

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Soak spray is amazing because it is a Urea based product.  Urea is a hygroscopic.  It processes into the 7 layers of the epidermis which, allows the softening to begin working from the inside out.  It contains 17% Urea.

What I personally like about the Soak Spray, are the added ingredients.  Lactic Acid…..a fruit acid also a hygroscopic and Allantoin and Panthenol for calming and soothing.  In addition, it works wonders with the AngelFeet file…..my favorite.

Soak spray is safe for the diabetic and any immune compromised clients.

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Our newest product added to our venue in 2018 is Podosafe.  Originally developed in Brazil as a cuticle softening product, Podosafe has manifested into the most up and coming callous softening product.

It also is Urea based with a minute amount of Hydrogen Potassium.  This combination provides crazy, amazing results.  In fact, the softening is so effective, the dead skin literally can be removed with a spoon.  Watch this video.

What I personally like about the PodoSafe is it’s ability to be used as a “stand alone” service.  It is so effective, you don’t need to start with a soaking process, you don’t need exfoliation.   In addition, it opens the door for the Podiatry market.

PodoSafe is also safe for the diabetic client and a client who is immune compromised.

If you are looking for a new service for your venue.  If you want to make more $$$$.  If you want an additional revenue stream of income. PodoSafe is for you.

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The Footlogix callous softening product is also a great Urea based product.  It contains 20% Urea.  The biggest difference reported between Footlogix and my other brands, is hydration.

It is very effective, however, it does not have any added ingredients like the LCN brand does.  In addition….sadly…..it is found on Amazon and all over the internet made available to our clients at cost below our cost.  this is one of the biggest reasons I opted to look for other brands.

Now, with that being said…..what isn’t found all over the internet?  If our clients (and ourselves) want it, they and we will find it.

It also is safe for the diabetic and any client who is immune compromised.

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In short, there is a product for everyone and anyone.  My Centre for Beauty clients are all different. They prefer different methods, offer different services but we all want the same results. GREAT ONES!

Whether or not you choose one of our products or choose to use something different….please……do your research.  I’m happy to personally help you if you have questions.  I’m happy to investigate into products I don’t carry.  I’m happy to help you!

Once you have done your research, you need to know what works best for you and your clients.  What are you looking for in results?  How hard do you want to work?  Do you want a Foot Care system, or do you want to provide your clients with long lasting results?  Do you want to offer both?

In addition don’t forget to look at your bottom line cost.  This calculation should include all products AND sundries used in whatever service you are offering.


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2 thoughts on “Our top 3 Callus Softening products!”

  1. I always appreciate your messages, it helps to keep me current, effective and sets me apart from so many in the islands. The need for information and further education is ALWAYS a BONUS !

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