Nail Salons have been listed as a “Top Growth” industry for 2021?

Thats’ exactly correct….5 years out and NAIL SALONS are recognized to have
19{41aa4bb89c477f1e334505d76149b7c47b1e52c0a22817e445c0fb4c76e652bd} anticipated growth through 2021! This can be exciting yet scary
all at the same time. After all, don’t we have enough competition now?

This is why I keep offering education and new service ideas. It is imperative
in todays market, to realize it isn’t about staying competitive. It’s about
being different. And, being different isn’t just about crazy hair, or how much
bling and blang we provide. It’s about education and professionalism. It’s about
knowing what the guidelines are in Pedicure care. It’s about offering
the best in service quality, the best in safety and
the best we can do for our clients.

I have personally learned so much over my 29 years in the Business. However,
over the past 12 months I believe I have truly learned more about
product ingredients, implement safety and combining the 2 together.

I know i’ve said this before, but we talk so much about safety in air quality, we talk about proper licensing and even higher education. But, are we forgetting about
the safety in the products we use and the tools we use to
manage those products.

There is a specific reason I endorse and carry the products that I offer

I encourage you to research. Don’t take my word for it, but
start really thinking about what is being used in your chair. Have you thought about;

Are the products you are using, abrading or causing discomfort to your client? Example; Callus softening products. If you have to wear gloves, if you have to wear a mask to avoid the burn and the fumes from these products…..what do you think it’s doing to your client’s skin? Better yet, think about the reality of these products? Does your skin heal from the outside in, or the inside out?
Are the tools you use offering the best care to your clients? Example; Files for callous removal are not all created equal. I realize the cheese grater type files, the replaceable sand paper type products, the pumice stones etc, work efficiently in callous removal. But, have you thought about what they do to your clients skin on their feet? There are studies….those tools that I mentioned above shred the skin. The best way for me to describe this is for you to picture a cuticle. We clip, clip, clip around the cuticle edge. Look at that cuticle under a microscope…it will have jagged edges. How will it grow? With jagged edges. Using the wrong tool on your clients feet, is doing the same thing. Therefore, the skin can never repair itself.
What about sanitizing and disinfection? Are you using what you can get by with? Or are you using products which really kill the bacteria and fungi we encounter in our chair? This is a bone of contention with me, because I don’t feel our States emphasize nor recommend the highest quality of disinfection. With that being said, there is so much information via the internet…why do we have to agree with our States? We need to be smarter than them.
My whole point is how this projected 19{41aa4bb89c477f1e334505d76149b7c47b1e52c0a22817e445c0fb4c76e652bd} growth concerns me. Unless we set the high standards, unless we step up our game, the new generation of nail technicians entering into our industry enter the same way many of us did. Lack of education, lack of factual knowledge and a lack of direction.

It is up to all of us to raise the standards in our industry,
why not start TODAY!

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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