Is the timing right?

Last week my blog on “Are you lying?” struck a nerve for many. This tells me, us as small entrepreneurs in this Beauty Industry, truly need each other. We need someone to tell us the truth (in a Professional and empathetic manner). We need someone to be accountable to and we need to be truthful to ourselves.

The latter is always the hardest. It’s easy for us to lie to ourselves. We are the only one listening. We hide our depression and we aren’t who we truly want to be.

It has always been my opinion, we ALL have what it takes to be successful. However, some need the ideas to get them going. Being creative in our own mind is difficult. We all might be missing just one piece of our puzzle to success.

Yes, that is the name of my class and no, this is not a sales pitch.

This is what truth looks like….there are only 2 types of people

  • Those who can motivate themselves
  • Those who needs others to motivate them

One isn’t necessarily better than the other. They both have their traits.

  • Those who can motivate themselves are typically the leaders. Whether that be a Salon Owner or Manager, Mfg. or Distributor. Leaders are good because we need to learn from someone other than ourselves. We need leaders to teach.
  • Those who need others to motivate are the followers. Again, one isn’t better than the other. The difficult part of this whole following thing, is accepting it.

Once you are able to identify who you are, then you can begin to choose your resources

I’ve been told throughout my lifetime that resources are our greatest assets. I totally believe that. If it weren’t for the resources I have been exposed too, I wouldn’t be who or where I am today.

Yes, I am more a leader than a follower. However, I sometimes think I fall right in-between. I have a real passion for education and helping people grow. Yet, I’m a sponge and want to learn from many others. Maybe that is what makes me Professionally Empathetic.

My point is, who are you? What category do you fall into? Once you determine if you are a leader or a follower, you can then surround yourself with the people who can help you grow.

For instance;

  • If you are a leader, you are going to circle around people who are bigger leaders than you are. You will learn so much just by watching and listening. If chosen correctly, you will excel.
  • If you are a follower, you need to surround yourself with leaders, not other followers who will continue to keep you down. Unintentionally.

I’m not telling you to discard old or choose new friends. I am telling you to analyze your friendships. If the people you need aren’t around you. Find them. Doesn’t mean you ignore your old friends.

There is an old saying which comes to mind. “You are only as good as the people around you”

Much like how you feel. “You feel only as good as what you eat”

Both of these are true, and we know it. Yet it will not mysteriously happen. Only you can put yourself in the right place and put the right foods in your mouth.

Again, I do believe I am a leader. However, I don’t like to be recognized as that. Keep me behind the scenes. You need to stay humble when gaining success. I never want to lose that.

I like learning from others, including you. Therefore, I’m blessed because I’m surrounded by everyone I need. Are you?

Stop lying to yourself…the time is NOW!

CJ Murray, President


4 thoughts on “Is the timing right?”

  1. Wow 🙌 I agree 💯 with everything you mentioned. We all need each others, but we need to surround ourselves with the right people. Mature, professional, upbuilding leaders and colleagues. We always have a few role models 😉. Unfortunately we need to choose wisely, not everyone wants to see you succeed or will be willing to support you. You have to continue succeeding and growing solo.
    The majority of people are suffering from some form of mental disorders. And many people with mental illness refrain from seeking treatment because of the stigma associated with it. That is hindering their ability to continue growing.
    But, what I liked the most is, stay humble 😌
    And yes, I’m learning a lot from the right people.

    1. Mariel, sad…but true. And, in this era of social media….we have to be careful as everyone thinks they are an authority. Good judgement is helpful yet, many “including myself” have had a lapse in judgement. Stay true to yourself, stay humble… important. Thank you for reading and participating in the conversation.

  2. Spot on! So many people dream of owning their business but do not have leadership skills nor are they good employees. Most want to be the smartest person in their circle and brag. Yep, stay humble so you can learn more!

    1. Thank you Nisha. I’ve seen this my entire 35 year career in the Beauty Industry. I’ve said since the first recession I remember in 2008-2009….the Salons who shouldn’t be in Business, won’t be during or after a recession. It take knowledge and skill to run a Business, and there are many tough times. My heart breaks for dreams which get broken yet, it’s just not as easy as people think.

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