planting seeds

Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest


Those of you who have been following me for a while now, know this time of year for me is about planting seeds.

It’s about planning for the coming year. It’s about setting goals.

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What you may not know is my primary focus is always about what can I do different, what can I do better in an effort to help my clients grow.

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Just like you attempting to stand out from the Salon which is on every corner. As a Distributor, I’m trying to stand out as well.

The days of being the only Distributor which focuses on feet is over. It seems everyone has all of a sudden realized the potential in Foot Care. Nail Care Companies are dipping into Feet Care. Technicians are diving into Foot Care education. Old products are relabeling in an effort to grow their brands. It’s madness.

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Therefore just like you, it’s imperative to stay on top of my game and continuously make things better for anyone who chooses to do Business with us.

It’s constant yes….however, I absolutely love this seed planting time of year. I’m home more than I’m traveling. I’m able to focus on Marketing plans, New additions (possibly), Education planning etc. the list goes on an on.

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What brings me to this article firstly, is all the excitement I have building up inside me regarding some “top secret” plans I have for next year.

In addition, in going down memory lane the last couple of weeks in my blogs, I began going back into the memory banks and wondering what I did as a Salon owner to “plant” seeds for the coming year.

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I remember always – DEEP CLEANING -. Something about entering the New Year with renewed freshness always made me feel great. How did that help my clients and new Business?

They loved it. After the decorations were down and we started January with a refreshed look……they felt renewed and refreshed. They looked at items which were maybe covered up by decorations and noticed items they may not have noticed before.

The seeding was giving them assurance we would always make sure they had a clean, safe environment to come too.

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What else I remember as a Salon owner is looking for new “things”. I didn’t replace products (unless we were unhappy), I looked for products both service and retail to add new and exciting for my clients.

This was difficult during my time because we didn’t have all the options we have now. Therefore, we had to be a bit more creative than just offering “new” products and/or items.

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I can’t even imagine my Salon Business in today’s world. Not only has the Industry changed, I’ve changed. I’ve learned, I’ve grown, I’ve been broken and put back together….so much since 2009.

So, let’s go through a checklist of what I’m currently “planting” and see how it would relate to you in your Salons.

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  1. The cleaning seed. I still have my yearly routine of cleaning. Now it’s cleaning files, organizing and purging. I do this in my office AND I do this in my warehouse.
    1. I highly recommend you do this in your Salon as well. There truly is nothing better than deep cleaning “everything” to start the year off fresh. It’s healthy for you, your team and your clients.
  2. Marketing seed. Although I market all year long, I do look back at the things I do and try to determine “how can I do them better”. Whether that is marketing a different way or through different channels, it doesn’t matter. Bringing something new to the table in the form of Marketing is exciting.
    1. This is also highly recommended for you as well. New Marketing can be new eyes. I don’t recommend making drastic changes, I do recommend making some changes. If you haven’t done a press release or community events….this could be a goal. If you haven’t fully dwelled into social media, this could be your goal. Whatever it is you decide to do, plant the seeds. Meaning…..make your contacts, do your homework, know your pricing, stay within budget and do something new and exciting.
  3. Education seed. We all know that Education is Power. This is why offering Education as a Distributor is my primary focus in 2022. Wait until you see the Calendar I’ll be putting out soon. Being stifled behind a computer for almost 2-years….I’m over it. Time to get back on track and bring all our wonderful education around the Country….and that is exactly what I am going to do.
    1. As a Salon you should have an education budget. Whether that budget is for you or for a team, it doesn’t matter. If education isn’t in your Business plan, I’m sorry…you shouldn’t be in Business. It really should be your number one priority. All Education is positive. It motivates us, it resurrects us AND our clients know it.
  4. The seed of the unknown. I always feel like there should be some surprises. Something “new and exciting”. For me as a Distributor, well…..I can’t tell you what my new and exciting is yet.
    1. As a Salon owner, we have to constantly bring new and exciting to our clients, otherwise they get bored. Remember the easiest and fastest growth comes from your existing clients. If they trust you, they will try everything you have to offer… least once. How do you build that trust? Amongst many things, staying educated is #1

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In the tune of “planting seeds”, I would love for you to tell me what you would like to see in my blogs?

I’ve written so many different articles about a various amount of topics. I try to stay away from product specific articles because truly, that is not what these blogs are about. And, I don’t want to put you to sleep. LOL

I want to continue to help you grow, relate to you, bring you tears and bring you joy. Make you think twice about something and maybe in a round about way, help you through a decision.

Help me plant my topic seeds! What do you want to hear next year. What topics would interest you and how do I keep you coming back to my blogs in an effort to help you grow your Business.

You can comment below or direct email me… Whichever you feel the most comfortable with.

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Like the flowers you see in our cover photo, the growth of the seeds you plant do not happen over night. It takes time.

First is the thought or idea, next you write it down on paper, lastly you make it happen…..these are the seeds.

  • Let your mind be creative
  • Determine the steps
  • Plant the seeds
  • Watch them grow

Always remember though, not every seed will flourish. Some may be duds, some may produce multiple results. If you never plant though… will never know.


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Happy Thanksgiving from our Family to yours

May you enjoy a safe, happy Holiday.

Give thanks for today!

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2 thoughts on “Inside every seed is the potential for an incredible harvest”

  1. Hi CJ,
    I would to learn more about LCN anti age hand care. How do I perform those services and make it luxurious. I would love to see how you perform in short videos luxury pedicures. I have never had luxury pedicures done on me. So, I have no idea if how I do pedicures is up to that standard and experience? More information about LCN hard gels too. I want to buy, but I don’t really understand that product.

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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