Be All You Can Be Do All You Can Do!

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I am so grateful to all of you who participate in our monthly survey’s. Your answers help me to help YOU!
There were many similarities in the concerns when it comes to Disinfection. However, the greatest concern of all was making sure as Salon owners, as Technicians and the entire Salon team, proper Disinfection was practiced and practiced properly.
It isn’t enough to do the basics “just to get by”. Clients are looking for more and as Salon Owners, we should provide more. Just like the products we used on our feet 50 years ago don’t work in today’s environment, the Disinfection products of yesteryear…
are not enough.
I touched upon this in my last Blog. But, I was asked to provide more information as to how to set up a manual. Which, I have done.

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Choose your Disinfection Product (s).  Is your implement cleaner the same as your surface cleaner?  Do you use an Ultrasonic cleaner to clean your tools? What do you use to clean your Pedicure tubs?  Are the jetted?

Page 1 of your manual should include an outline.  Once you have made your outline, you should tab your pages so information is easy to find.  An example of an outline would be:

1:  Our Disinfection product (s)

2:  Our procedure (s)

3:  MSDS sheets (Material Data Safety Sheets)

4:  What to do in case of an emergency (on each product)

5:  Our training (What do you do to train your team)

6:  Our pledge (Each one of your team members signature)

7:  Advertise



In this section you want to have an individual page for all the Disinfection products you use.  An example would be:

  1. BioSon – Ultrasonic Disinfection product for an Ultrasonic cleaner
  2. BioSurf – Surface and Implement cleaner
  3. BioVac – Jetted tub cleaner

Each page should be a full description of what each product is, and what it’s purpose is.



In this section you want to list each product on a separate page and write a full description of how each product is used.  What is your procedure?  An example would be;

  1. BioSon cleaner;  Cleaner used for cleaning of our tools and implements. BioSon is placed in our UltraSonic cleaner to properly and fully cleanse our tools and implements prior to Disinfection.  After each service tools are processed in the UltraSonic cleaner for thorough cleansing.


 MSDS SHEETS  Material Data Safety Sheets

Whatever Manufacturers product you use, an MSDS sheet should be provided for each product.

The MSDS sheets will be valuable able for you in the event of a reaction or a medical emergency.  Should Medical personnel be contacted, they will ask you for the MSDS sheets.



Emergency phone numbers should be provided in this section

  1. Owners name and phone # (in the event they are not on premise)
  2. Police
  3. Fire
  4. Hopsital



In this section, I would list what your training procedures are.

  1. Do you train each new team member first day of hire?
  2. Do you require your team to study each product, what the contact time is and how each one should be properly used?

The amount of detail you can provide in this section will be crucial to providing comfort to your clients.  They will want to know that each of your team members are on the same page.



In this section, I would have each one of your team members sign a pledge that they have been properly trained and agree to follow proper disinfection protocol within the Salon environment for the protection of themselves and their clients.



This section is more about placing signage throughout your Salon notifying your clients that you DO follow strict Disinfection procedures within your Salon.

This information should be on your stations, your windows AND all your Social Media pages including your website.

Shout it out with joy and be proud of your Professionalism


I can’t say this enough.  Disinfection is no joke.  Look deeper into the products you are using.  Are you just getting by?  Are you more concerned about price than you are quality?  Our Salon environments are not getting any safer.  But….we CAN make them SAFE!

Centre for Beauty Salon Supply proudly offers Micrylium Disinfection products.  Used for over 30 years in the Dental Industry, Centre for Beauty has been the leader in introducing Micrylium to the Salon Professional.  For more information click here.

CJ Murray

President, Centre for Beauty Salon Supply[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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