YOU make the Trade Shows possible!


As you read this, my team and I are just beginning to work the Premiere Birmingham trade show. It’s two(2) full days of demo’s, teaching, talking. Non-stop from 9am till 6pm.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]As I’m doing my last minute errands before I leave, i’m thinking about all the things that make a trade show work. I’m thinking about all the opportunities we have, as Beauty Professionals and why, we as Distributors or Mfg’s., do what we do.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]It’s a pretty amazing cycle to be honest with you. And, I would venture to say…..most of you have no idea. So, let me share![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

BTW….read this till the end, i’m sharing a couple of our

best Trade show specials with you.

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Up to a year in advance, we are already being approached by the Trade Show organizers to register.  If you want the same location as prior years…you best sign on the dotted line immediately.

And oh…..this also includes putting down your 50% deposit to reserve.

Think about this.  The Trade show organizers are sitting on 100’s and 1000’s of dollars for up to 1 year.

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In addition, we are also approached by the accommodations organizers.  If you have any chance at all in staying in a location near the venue….yup, you need to reserve a reservation.

It’s a reservation being held by credit card.  No monies is involved at this time.  However, you do have to speculate how many rooms you might need because you have to make sure you can accommodate your entire team.

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There is usually a couple months of quiet time (if that even exists), until you have to start thinking;

What is my budget

Who is my team going to be

How much product am I going to bring to the show

Will I introduce anything new

Can I get any of my Mfg’s to assist

Do I need to order any marketing materials

Am I going to do anything different in my booth

Do I have to order any more banners/signage

What specials am I going to offer

How am I going to get product to the show

Do I have to book any flights?

The list can go on forever

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Right around the 3 months mark (before the show), all the thinking you have been doing has to come into fruition.

We anticipate, based on past history what we will need for products.  Personally, I like to give my Mfg’s an idea of what I will need from them at a particular time.  this allows enough time for them to be prepared, so i’m not shorted something on my order.

I also solidify who my team will be and what I am choosing to offer at the show.  This process happens over about a 2 month period.

I also begin talk with my graphics coordinator about new signage, new promotional materials and materials for new items.  This also takes place over a period of time, typically towards the end of the 2nd month into the 3rd.

I am not a last minute person.  Managing these projects over 3 months is just about around the right time to meet deadlines in a comfortable manner.

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We can’t forget managing of the Education.  I always feel it’s a good time to offer Education since there’s a bunch of Beauty professionals in one place at one time.

Centre for Beauty typical offers a free class at the show.  We highlight Urea Foot Care in a classroom setting with a bonus segment of offering a private demo.

The work involved in hosting one of these classes isn’t difficult, just time consuming.  We have to;

  • Reserve the classroom with the Show coordinators
  • Reserve the equipment if necessary
  • Right up a Bio for the booklet
  • Write a class description
  • Prepare a powerpoint presentation
  • Prepare a product list


Many times also, we offer an addendum to the show classes by staying an extra day or coming in a day early for a paid Professional class.

In this case, Centre for Beauty is offering a toenail restoration class the day after the show.

Toenail Restoration class $189.00

Hilton Garden Inn – Lakeshore @ Wildwood Cr. N

The class preparation is different as it includes payment.  It also includes class materials, a whole different type of powerpoint presentation, a paid classroom location and more importantly, a process in an effort to get the class filled.

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As the last couple of weeks approach us.  It really get’s intense.  We are thinking of all the last minute items we need to address.  We are following up with shippers, vendors, printers….you name it, to make sure everything prepared is done in a timely fashion…..meaning ON TIME.

Flights have been booked, hotels are reserved, products are being received, packing is in process, trucking is reserved and we are beginning to get our show game on.

The stress is building, the anxiety is high and before we even leave the building, we can’t wait for it to be over.  LOL

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Now the time has come.  We manage to make it through all the prep and it’s time for the grueling, physically exhausting, hot (they don’t turn the AC on), mentally exhausting set up time.

If it weren’t for YOU though, none of this would exists.  YOU give us the opportunity to share our goods, share our education, our experience. YOU give us the motivation to plunge ahead so we can help YOU build your Business.  We continue with our education, so we can continue to educate YOU.

Through all of it, we are excited.  We see people we haven’t seen in a year.  We meet new clients, put faces to names and form relationships which makes this Beauty Industry the wonderful community it is.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As a Thank You for your support, your encouragement, your continued need for new products, new ideas and new ways to grow your Business, i would like to extend the following special to you.

We have expanded our Trade Show space to bring you something which has never been done before (that I know of).  A Spa Luxury experience.

We offer Demo’s but we have never offered a true Spa Luxury experience.  At Premiere Birmingham attendees will witness a complete Anti Age treatment.  They will experience the luxury of our Spa Bali product while sitting in a Contego Spa Design chair, finished with our Anti Age treatment under our Golden Girl mask.

The ultimate in a Spa Experience

Designed to show you how to more $$$$ in your Foot Care room

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Since this is our last show of the year 2018, we want to offer you the show deals on the following items.

Don’t wait though……Show deals only last through Friday October 26th, 2018.

  • Spa Bali Relax Mask w/Spa Bali Massage Cream
    • DEAL $30.00 Savings $5.90
  • Golden Girl mask w/2 AA ampoules plus Wrinkle remove expert
    • DEAL $185.00 Savings $21.00
  • Golden Girl mask w/2 AA ampoules plus Studio skin expert
    • DEAL $295.00 Savings $36.00
  • Anti Age treatment kit w/Wrinkle remove expert
    • DEAL $175.00 Savings $20.00
  • Anti Age treatment kit w/Studio skin expert
    • DEAL $290.00 Savings $30.00

All deals are available on our website

Pro code CFB2015

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Upcoming Event

Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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For all of the latest educational information, classes, news, and deals on our Professional Foot Care products,  be sure to sign up for our newsletter!  Don’t miss the opportunity to hear of our Free Freight Friday offered monthly with our monthly BONUS specials.  You can opt out at any time.