The forgotten extremity!


We had some friends over on Memorial Day. A much needed (on my part) visit.

As 2021 keeps rolling, my traveling is on steroids. Maybe I’m making up for the loss of 2020 or maybe I’m just feeling revived and excited to get back on the road.

In any case, there is not much room on my calendar for play, so my husband and I had a Memorial Day celebration with our three(3) closest couples.

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Because I just can’t help myself, my eyes drew often to the feet of our guest. LOL, I know that sounds really funny. Although, I think most of you know what I mean.

In this ever thinking brain of mine, I’m planning all the videos I’ve been talking about doing. Videos on processes which you have requested. Videos ranging from a basic pedicure with the fabulous pedicure lines we carry to videos on upgrades.

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And of course, I need models.

Although I’ve already asked one of my friends, our schedules just haven’t connected. So instead of waiting, I decided to ask another friend of mine. A friend which, I don’t recall seeing her feet like I did this past Memorial Day weekend.

Lordy be, the child needs some help.

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The reason for this article isn’t to bash my friend nor her feet. She will be my perfect model for demonstrating the Podosafe callus solution service, followed by an LCN pedicure with an upgrade of our Anti-Age peeling powder, ending in our Golden Girl mask.

Total cost for this service would run anywhere between $160.00 – $200.00

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My reason for this article is, I know…she does go to a Salon and receives regular Pedicures. Which, if you were to see her feet (and you will), you will ask yourself WTH?

Seeing her feet in the condition they are in tells me two(2) things;

  1. The Salon she frequents is “going through the motion”
  2. She has absolutely no idea the important of taking care of not just her feet which “carry us around for lifetime”. Also, taking care of her bodies largest organ…the skin!

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I can’t say I fault her. After all, what does the general public see?

  • Every magazine talks about nail polish color trends
  • Every magazine shows stiletto nails with bling
  • Every magazine talks about products to use which “we know” is all BS (mostly)

I can’t tell you the last time I saw an article on the true importance of taking care of the skin on your feet, our lower extremities which carry us around for a lifetime and how important it is to treat your feet like your teeth. Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance.

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Who I do fault are the Technicians performing the service which….is where you come in.

  • Do you care and maintain your own feet?
  • Do you have the confidence to share your knowledge?
  • Do you have the knowledge to share accurately?

This kinda goes to my article of last week. Knowledge is power, yet if you don’t use it properly how will it help you? How will it help your clients?

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So you ask yourself….how would this actually work? Let me share with you what I know about my friend and how I plan to approach the situation.


  • I know she stands on her feet most of the day
  • I know there may be some minor health issues which, I will find out in my consultation.
  • I know her daughter is getting married a week after our appointment
  • I know she is a fairly low maintenance person


  • I don’t know if she wears sandals or closed toe shoes most of the time
  • I don’t know if she uses any at home maintenance product
  • I know the place she visits does not use the AngelFeet file, I don’t know what they use. My guess is Satans grater or sandpaper

What I do know, she thanked me over and over for the timing and for asking….she wants to have pretty feet for the wedding.

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Because not every client is your friend, I understand you may not know them as well. However, in asking the right questions (or any at all), you can certainly find out what is important in relation to the service you want or need to perform.

I have many videos I plan to do, so why have I chosen to perform the above mentioned services?

  • Her feet are in great need of a true callous solution (and that’s looking from afar)
  • I know she loves the pampering of a pedicure hence, following the callus solution treatment with a pedicure makes sense.
  • I know her daughter is getting married on the beach and my friend isn’t wearing a long gown hence, the brightening tightening peel and Golden Girl mask will makes her legs glow.

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]When I do have her seated in my chair, I plan to ask a few basic questions after I have her complete her client consultation paperwork.

  1. Tell me something you like about your feet?
  2. Tell me what you don’t like. Although chances are she will answer this all in question #1.
  3. Tell me what your at home care routine is?
  4. Tell me what your biggest challenge with your feet are?
  5. Do you walk barefoot often? If so, how often and typically where?
  6. Do you like the way your feet look right now? If not, why? If yes, why?
  7. What would your perfect feet look like?
  8. If I could offer you something to make that happen, would you use it? If no, why? If yes, why?

BAM………How could she say NO?[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]Notice the common denominator?

There are no “closed ended” question, except the final question.

When asking a question a client can answer with one(1) word….where does the conversation go? Nowhere.

Always asked questions which make them talk. When clients talk, we need to listen. Listen for the hidden gems which can’t be heard in a yes or no reply.

Give them the opportunity to purchase an at home care maintenance product without you even having to ask.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]My appointment with my friend is on the 17th of June. I’m really looking forward to making this video for you and also looking forward to the amazement she will have when I’m finished with her.

I care about my friend, as I have with all my clients. Give your friends, your family, your clients the gift of life.

The gift of life comes from your gift of knowledge, your passion and your confidence to share with your clients.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]Stay tuned for the video. I’ll probably email it in a follow up blog and it will be posted on my website and our utube channel.

If you want to make sure you get it, email me and I will make sure I send it to you personally.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]

Happy June! 

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6 thoughts on “The forgotten extremity!”

  1. Good stuff😊 always enjoy opening up your emails to see what you’re up to. Looking at other people’s feet is a favorite pastime of mine as well. Your knowledge and insight keep me inspired miss! Thank you!

    1. Thank you Crystal. Who knew right? Who knew we would be so involved in the “health” of feet, not just “beauty”. Thank you for reading my blogs and for your kind comment.

  2. Omg yessss, I am stoked for videos!!!! Whooooo!!! I have no idea how to do the upgrades and how to charge for them. Omg I’m excited.

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Oncology Care in the Pedicure Room

February 23, 24, 25th, 2025

Have you ever wished you could help those who are Oncology compromised? Do have plans to add this service to your venue? Oncology care in the pedicure room is not only about service design, it’s about care, compassion and emotions.

Emotionally connect with your Oncology guest to project a confident, knowledgeable you. Master the secrets of empathy. Start your learning journey from what you “think” you know, to what you “need” to know.

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