Happy International Women’s month to all my beautiful sisters, friends, acquaintances, fellow Business women and all the women in the world who whether you are the glue that sticks everything/everyone together or you are the quiet, timid maybe even troubled type…you still deserve to be recognized.
I’ll be honest. It wasn’t until a little over a week ago, I heard March 8th was International Women’s Day. What? We should be recognized every day. No different than any other male, child, gay, transgender and any ethnic group. We should be celebrating each other today and always.
I also started thinking, how many women may think this celebration doesn’t belong to you. Maybe you don’t feel like you’re as accomplished as you thought you would be. Maybe you feel like you aren’t worthy.Yet, you forge forward and you follow your dreams. This is the inspiration you are passing on to anyone who crosses your path, it is so incredibly valuable.
I’m not a women’s right person at all. I’m a persons right person. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe men should act like men. Open the door for me etc.. I also think women should act like women and be a bit more modest. Be aware of your actions. However, I am not of all equal rights between men and women. I think we both offer what the other either can’t do, too afraid to do, or just not even want to try. Equal rights – same job same pay? – YES! There are differences though, and I for one like them.
We all have our place and if it takes a month of recognized celebration for women to realize this, then congratulations…you got it.
So many of you forget that just the idea of owning your own Business is scary. Yet, the strength for your mind to even go in that direction is short of amazing. It seems so basic, after all it’s just an idea. If you think about it though, Thomas Edison and the light was just an idea. The Wright brothers and flying was just an idea. So much of what we have now, began with an idea. The question however, do you act upon that idea or to keep it in your head and just keep dreaming?
And, for all the Nail Techs out there that work hard everyday, perfecting your talent and caring for others daily….this is for you!
You are strong either way. Those who go to the next step may be a bit stronger or maybe just have a stronger determination. What you have to realize is it doesn’t matter who is strong or who is not as strong. One isn’t better than the other. There is a need for a multitude of personalities. It’s what makes the world turn.
As we celebrate, look around you. As I sit and ponder all the women I know, have met, have spoke with…all of you, I am pretty darn proud of who we are. I learn so much from each and every one of you. I value your thoughts, your opinions, your dreams. And, I thank you for sharing them all with me.
Continue the dream. Get off the roller coaster every once in a while just to “regroup”. Hop back on and enjoy your next journey to success.
CJ Murray, President