In a world of endless resources, “how-to” advice is everywhere. How to improve your business”, “how to build stronger cients relationsips”, “how to increase sales” – we are constantly given roadmaps, formulas, and step – by – step guides to solve every problem imaginable.
However, the overload of “how” answers very often miss something crucial: the question of why?
Asking “how” can for sure be helpful, yet focusing on “why” can open doors to a deeper understanding, insight and purpose.
“Why”? is the cornerstone of lasting success and genuine growth
Let’s look at The Power of Purpose by asking the question “why” are you doing this”?
When we begin a project, learn a new skill, start or even expand a Business, the “how” will explain the steps. The “why” will define your direction.
Knowing your reason(s) “why” gives your work, your adventure, purpose and meaning which can help you maintain motivation and focus over time. It grounds your actions in a personal or professional meaning. Which will, make the journey towards your goals more fulfilling.
When making a decision to introduce a new service to your Business, expand or maybe even relocate, don’t just look at the steps to get where you need or want to be….ask yourself why? Why is this important to me, my brand, my clients?
When I decided to move my warehouse back in November, there more many small reasons. However, my final decision was based on the “why”?…… For me, as I move further and further into life (meaning; as I get older a focus on the savings
You also need to ask yourself the questions…”Do I want a quick fix or a lasting change”?
“How” questions tend to focus on surface solutions. They are (or should be) tactical and specific. You might ask yourself “How” do I get new clients”?
On a different note, the “why” questions help to identify the root causes of whatever problem you are attempting to fix. What you should be asking is “Why” aren’t sales where they should be?
You just might discover some underlying issues. Brand perception? Quality? or maybe it’s Client Engagement? Addressing the “why” leads to long-term improvements rather than temporary fixes.
Build stronger client relationships through the “why”.
In our Beauty and Wellness Business, understanding your client’s “why” can transform the way you service them. Instead of simply “how can I help you today”? dig a little deeper. “Why is this service important to you”? This approach will foster empathy and helps you understand your clients at a deeper level.
Whether it be an important life event, relaxation from stress or simply a personal wellness doesn’t matter. Knowing their motivations enables you to tailor your services and build stronger, more meaningful connections.
I currently have a client whose hands I have been holding for over 30 years. She is 82 years old and quickly moving into a state of dementia. Just this past week, I have been told by her Family they can’t bring her to get her nails done anymore.
I offered to come to her where they have placed her in a memory care facility. Why? Because I know over many years of servicing her, her nails were always very important to her as her natural nails were thin and weak and could never grow.
My heart just breaks. If being inconvenience because I truly know and understand my clients “why”….then it is what it is. I am more than happy to pack my bags and lug all my nail stuff to her.
“Why” questions challenge our conventional wisdom. It pushes new boundaries and helps us uncover new possibilities.
This mindset is what drives the most successful businesses to stand out and evolve in a very saturated market.
“Why” helps us to re-frame challenges as opportunities. Instead of asking “how do I fix it”? Try asking “why” did the problem occur in the first place? It helps us to examine the situation differently and tends to open our minds to more creative solutions.
If you have a client who is constantly late, ask yourself “why”. Have you portrayed yourself as a person who deserves respect? Have you let her get away with it for maybe years? Is the time of day just not good for her? Or maybe you aren’t retaining clients. Asking “why” may reveal issues in communication, follow-up, technique or maybe even the client experience.
Knowing the “why” may help you implement changes or improvements that will create a more loyal client base.
It’s easy to lose motivation when you are solely focused on the “how”. However, when challenges test you, revisiting your “why” can reignite your passion and resilience.
By connecting with your reasons you began this journey in the Beauty Industry in the first place, you will be reminded of your mission…your vision. This will makes it easier to persevere even when things gets tough.
Remember, when things get tough…the tough get stronger!
In closing. In an industry which often prioritizes in techniques and practical know-how, it is essential to dig deeper and ask those questions which will shape your path and sustain your passion.
- Why are you doing what your doing?
- Why is this meaningful to you?
- Why will this matter to your clients?
- Why will this matter to the success of you Business?
The next time you are faced with a challenge or maybe an outcome you didn’t like…try asking yourself “why” instead of “how”. You might be surprised at your own insights, clarity and inspiration which a simple shift in perspective can bring to your work, and your life.
Cj Murray, President