I was on a plane a few years back with a pilot from the airline sitting right next to me.
There was a little bit of turbulence and he either saw me grab the seat or groan. He said to me “when you feel turbulence in a plane, just think of it as riding over a bumpy road in a car”.
Okay, sounds good and I’ve thought of this over my many years of travel since.
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I travelled this past week to Minnesota to teach a toenail restoration class and visit with clients.
Flying back home on Tuesday was an experience I had never experienced before. To begin with, it wasn’t the greatest logistically. I flew from MN to Austin. Changed planes in Austin and flew to New Orleans. Didn’t change planes then flew into Tampa. Not my greatest achievement of booking flights, yet for those who do travel you understand the difficulty in finding “good” flights at all.
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From the moment we left MN, it was rocky. So much so that we had no cabin service and the seat belt sign stayed on the whole time (which means no bathroom use allowed). We were delayed by about 30 minutes due to weather flying into Austin.
After arriving in Austin late…we were then delayed another 1-1/2 hours “due to weather” into New Orleans.
Once we got on board and got settled in, thinking we were ready to roll, the pilot comes out of the cockpit, gets on the intercom and tells us this;
- This is going to be a bumpy ride
- We are going to be delayed another 12-15 minutes
- They are adding enough fuel to go another 45 miles because we may have to reroute (due to weather)
- There will be no cabin service
- Please refrain from using the restroom as the seat belt signs will be on the whole time
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My husband was following “flight tracker” the whole time. Our flight looked like a zigzag.
We eventually did arrive in New Orleans, people off, people on. Remind you, we are at least a couple of hours late.
Those getting on are making comments about our delay, as if they had no idea it really wasn’t our fault. Geesh!
In any case, again the pilot comes out of the cockpit, giving us the talk about expecting turbulence. No cabin service, seat belt light on. Then eventually off we go into Tampa.
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We finally arrive at Tampa, landing at 8:00 pm instead of the original time of 5:20pm.
I say to the Flight attendants who were with me all day how I remember what that Pilot said to me years ago.
However I said…”today was more like riding an angry Stallion, galloping through the woods on rough terrain”. It was literally the worst travel day I had in my life. Seat grabbing, eye closing, prayer mantras…you name it.
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I did my best to stay focused on the book I purchased in Austin (thank God) and not gravitate to everything which was going through my mind.
- Am I going to be like Dorothy flying through the air, being sucked into a tornado?
- I need to make sure I write detailed instructions for my husband on passcodes etc “in the event of”….for future. (hoping there is one)
- Looking around seeing who I’m sitting next to hoping they are capable enough to get out of a rough situation (if needed)
- On and on and on…..
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And then….I do what I do….(I think” how do I turn this day into a teaching moment?
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]Hence…are you trustworthy?
When that Pilot came out to speak with us, I was doing the full assessment.
- Does he “look” experienced and responsible
- I wonder how long he’s been flying (how old is he)
- Does he look calm
- Is he acting calm (listening to undertones in his voice)
Although I’m not sure what I would have done if any of my responses would have been HELL NO! I decided, he surely has family himself, he surely doesn’t want to die, he surely must know what he’s doing and I surely must trust him…..and I did.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]In our Beauty Industry, we typically are not looked upon as a “Professional” Industry. As stated so many times in past blogs, we are the low man on the totem pole and most people don’t think of us as belonging to a “reputable” Industry.
I clearly remember my Brother-in-law in fact, chastising my daughter because she wasn’t going on to a 4 year college.
Today she is very successful, loves her trade and continues to grow the trust her clients have in her. This didn’t happen over night and grant it, she has a good teacher :). However, she also has;
- A Professional appearance
- Confidence
- Knowledge and
- She doesn’t perform a service which 1) she isn’t licensed to do and 2) she isn’t qualified to do
[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]Trustworthy; able to be relied on as honest or truthful.
Do you fall under this definition?
Most people think about trustworthy being showing up to work on time. Saying something and doing it as you say.
However, I also consider trustworthy to be someone who stays within the limits of their license, follows the rules and regulations given by our State AND perfects what they do best.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]There is a reason why I go to my Dermatologist for my questionable skin spots and not just my Medical Dr.
There is a reason I continue to drive over 30 minutes to get my nails done.
There is a reason I trust Professional brand hair products over big box shelf brands.
I could go on and on….the point being…..trustworthy as per the above definition is to be “relied” upon. To be honest and truthful in your actions, honest and thruthful in your Profession and honest and truthful to your clients.
- If what they want is out of the limits of your license…say NO
- If you want to expand into other areas of this Profession….learn it
Be fully trustworthy![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”12px”][vc_column_text]
Enjoy what you’re reading? Find more blogs at www.cjscentreforbeauty.com
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Awesome words and spot on!!
It would have been a Dramamine day for sure for me!!
Trust me, that drink I had when I finally arrived was the best drink ever LOL! Thank LeaAnn, appreciate you reading my stories 🙂